The Boss + The Maid = Chemistry

 As a fan of Louise Bay books, i must say she DID NOT DISAPPOINT ME. The characters and the chemistry, the friendships, the romance and the "third act breakup" We get it all in the right doses. The age gap is not as crazy as it seems and you'll understand why after a few chapters.

Efa is the female lead who's a recent college graduate, "eco conscious", happy go lucky British woman in NY for the summer. Hoping to land a dream job at a particular top tech company, she's set to start a part time gig to tide her over till she gets that dream job or goes back home. While on a dry run to scope out the new job before she's set to start, she meets our male lead. 

Then we have Bennett. He is the male lead who is a guy in Tech. They meet at the bar in the building where she'd be working. They hit it off and we set of on a lovely ride through the book. Bennette's the owner of the company Efa wants to work in but no one's privy to who he is. I love how they met and how the story line played out.

The connection they had right off the bat was insane and you could feel it through out the entire book. 

The only thing i did not like was the Bennett's trust issues. I mean i understood where it originated but he was taking out on the wrong people and that frustrated. He damn near ruined his relationships with the people that mattered because he let doubt, betrayal and mistrust feed into his fear of living like his mother.

 The end was great. Also the mention of the the link there. Took me a minute to piece it together but then my light bulb came on and it was excited about that.  

This was worth the wait and the hype.

Leo's story is next and i'm anxiously waiting for it.

PS Dear Louise, i hope all the guys get their own book. Thanks in advance :)

I received an advanced copy of this book and this is my honest review.
