My Love Eun Dong Ep 13-Final ep

So this will touch briefly on ep 13 and 14 (cliff notes lol) and of course my final review of the drama in general... I don't think i have ever been this detailed before.... or maybe i have.... PS: A LOT OF CURSING AHEAD
I know you've been waiting for my nicely worded if not almost rude review of this drama lol... Well here it is.  After watching ep13 and 14 with my dear friends, i couldn't get myself to write a nice review because the writer tried it for real. So finally she has left the fucker and sad excuse for a husband that just managed to make handicapped people look bad ( just him) and what does this punk idiot do???? Yea the simple obsessed fuck tried to kill himself. The fuck was the writer thinking???
Bullet points of what happened in eps 13 and 14:
  • Eun Dong moved out of that hole she shared with that fucker
  • PHS's sister figured the whole thing out and helped get the boy away from the fake dad
  • PHS holds a press conference and lets the world know about ED and that he has a son too
  • ED goes on a nice trip with PHS
  • ED and PHS finally had le sex after how many freaking years...boy did he hold out
  • His parents now know about their grandson
  • Salty sharp eared evil chick is still bitter and single
  • ED allows the little boy spend some time with fake dad as per his request
  • At this point we the viewers can see the bullshit from 3 miles away... tis that strong
Everything's pretty much out in the open now. Everyone and the entire country knows that PHS. Now this is kind of a play by play review of the final 2 episodes because I'm watching it and writing at the same time.

Episode 15:
Im exactly 22 minutes in and I'm yelling fuck yous at my screen it's unreal. What the fuck gives JO's (cripple) mom the right to accuse ED of crippling her her son? Why the fuck did she just kick her out of the hospital saying is this what she wanted.... (I'm bat to go in)....

BITCH...your obsessed, dumb, irritating, kidnapping ass, lying ass, ugly ass son stole 10 years of this girl's life and her son from his real father all on some fuck shit because his ugly ass could not deal with rejection . Guess what fool you are to be blamed for everything because if you had raised your son properly, he wouldn't have gone around thinking everyone was going to bow to his dumb ass because he's a baseball star.... fuck out of here and miss me with that bullshit.
Now the idiot is lying unconscious in the hospital while ED and PHS deal with the trash that the so called public is hurling at them. Thirsty spiky eared hoe on the other side is doing her very best to paint PSH in the worst way possible and is releasing damning articles. I can't stand this bitch... but at the end of the day, she will still be lonely and manless.
OOOOOOOOOOO yaaaaaassssssssss PHS went to see Miss Thirsty and asked her to help his friend's company the one that manages his career since she is the cause of the company's problems and this hoe says se wants him not the company...heifer bye. PHS replies i have a son and a woman and that's all i want to protect and he flipped the damn script on her because he's turn in some shit and she will be investigated asa! He finishes with I'm going to pick my kid up from school! ... ooh this hoe is furious. Whoever writes these entitled side characters needs their soul evaluated. So far so good.

Nope i spoke way too soon... this drama has succeeded in making me hate a lot of things and humans too lol. WTF +JTBC Drama ... WHAT IN ALL OF HELL DID YOU DO WITH THIS DRAMA???? The fact that they wrote in the suicide scene really killed me and messed up the value of the drama.  ..(I'm not going to apologize for what I'm about to write)  the idiotic child walks out of the house to go look for his dad... and no one gave him an ass whooping smh. I understand that he's young but they should have told him he's to his real dad and guess what???? His little behind would've gotten over it since he's small.
This scene really got to me.. when this idiot of a woman poured water on ED in the bathroom of the hospital saying " you abandoned your crippled husband t have an affair and now you are taking care of him.. are you not ashamed" GOD IN HEAVEN, BUDDHA AND VISHNU hold me down because shit i would have fucked that old woman up so bad my ass would have been dragged to jail and she'd be with her maker. What right does she have to judge me????? Okay fine judge the hell out of me in your head behind my back but touch me physically in any shape or form and just try guessing who will be meeting their maker....i'm so mad at the scene.
Im beyond pissed... PSH father tells him to leave Ra Il for the other guy bull fucking shit. After lying and stealing someone else's' family and life  this bullshit writer is giving him a happy ending???? Are you fucking kidding me?? You fucked up writer, you really did. As far as I'm concerned everything about this drama up until the last 5mins of episode 14 was perfect. Jae Oh (cripple fake dude) should have died a long time ago like ep8 or instead of attempting suicide he lives a very miserable life while others are happy.

Episode 16:
Every damn body had PHS doubting his abilities as a dad....WTF?? PHS's sister wanted to talk to the reporters and make a statement about humbling the real son of PHS but he refused and said they weren't ready for that. The entire nation does not believe he's the father and that both of them are adulterers. I'm beyond pissed at this point and I'm regretting watching this last episode. He's legit doubting everything and i can't stand it.

The scene where Ra Il was telling PHS that he hates him....JTBC and the writer... I FUCKING HATE YOU for this. This fool JO sitting with PHS says "i'll let ED return to her rightful place" NINJA it was never your decision to make in the first place.
Saving grace... the bromance between these 3. I love how his assistant said he never hated PHS once during this whole ordeal. Now this was a lovely scene. ED told JO not to act like a coward again... this fool still hasn't apologized wtf.... is his tongue missing?? So PHS tells thirsty chick he's leaving and she wants to know if he's going alone and he says yes. She then asks "if ED never existed in this world, would you have given your heart to me??????" Bitch i can answer that for you *epic side eye*..... But PHS baby has words for days.. "why wouldn't she exist? If i was born it's only fate that she'll be born too. If she never existed i wouldn't either" ooooooooooo if that doesn't give her grey hairs in her eyebrows and armpits i really don't know what will. How many ways did she want it to be spelt to her dumb, parched ass???? This is just 20mins in lol

PHS buy's a house for ED and tells the reporters that he's not the father of Ra Il and that they should make it seem like it's all his fault... fucking hell.. my soul cannot take this. PSH sell's his house... the house he bought to live with ED in ugh. Plus he liquidated all his assets so he can leave *tears*.

He wrote a lovely letter to her and left the country "even if i were on mars and you were on venus we'd still meet again because we are fated to be together" God love this man. #teamPSH all the way. The OST of this drama thought is fantastic.

Finally JO apologizes but it's half assed. He goes " I'm sorry. I loved you. I thought if i loved you then you'd have loved me back. Then i became resentful because you didn't love me back" NINJA NINJA NINJA i really can't. I would have kicked his chair smooth down a flight of stairs. She forgives him... NOPE not me i forgive his ass not. That's 10 years dude hell the fuck no.

JO was interviewed and he told the truth about  how he got into an accident and what he did to ED. He starts walking again well with an aid and he tells Ra Il that he has to acknowledge his other dad. SMH he's supposed to be in prison and alone not thriving and laughing and enjoying life. PHS's former assistant and his friend have their own agency now called EH Entertainment.

Okay the ending was cute... not as bad as everyone made it out to be. It was just anticlimactic. They did end up together.

Final thought

If i were in ED's shoes (god forbid) i would heave JO so quickly with my kid and never look back... public be damned. They can all kiss my ass. I'd release a tell all book detailing how he stole 10yrs from me and stole someone else's' kid all because of his jacked one sided love and i'll explain everything to the child his little behind will understand and get over in in a couple of months....i really wish a ninja would try me on that. You attempt suicide (cowardly but that's on you)...welp.  that's the way the cookie crumbles. You made your bed, now lay in it as you see fit. I was hoping for the perfect ending like the one playing in my head...ED, PSH and Ra Il once nice happy family without having to deal with that asshole, thieving idiot JO.... ugh

In the end,
The ending was okay, the finally met again but no hug nothing just holding hands smh...  i would still recommend this drama even though i was angry in the last 2 eps. PSH's parents were cute and everyone was happy.

JTBC i thought you would deliver like you did in +falling for innocence but uhmmmmmm yea... you have disappointed me with the ending. This drama was a 10 then i finished it and it soon dropped to an 8.5 because the last scene was too basic and JO survived and was happy >>.

Still love it though...... Saranhaneun Eun  Dong ah!!!!!!!!


  1. Holy this is my Header xD I did this for Viki, just stole it without asking?


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