Night in Paradise (Korean Movie) 2021

With a cast starring  Cha Seung Won {The Greatest Love}, Park Ho San {Prison PlayBook} and a brief stint by Young Nam Jang (she's an awesome actress from dramas to movies. I for one love her work). This movie did a number on my emotions.

This is not to take away from the stars of the film Uhm Tae Goo and Jeon Yeo Been who were a perfect pair for this feature. I was racking ,y brain as to where i had seen her before and it came to me. She's the lead in the currently airing drama on Netflix Vincenzo. She is also in a movie on my to watch list called "Secret Zoo"

Okay now we get to the movie. This is my summary of the film. If i give away spoilers i apologies in advance. It's about a gangster (Tae Goo) who does a job for his gangpae boss (dirty ass job). After doing the job, his boss had him go to Jeju to hideout till things die down. He gets to Jeju where he meets Jae-Yeon. A young lady who is the niece of the person who Tae Goo stayed with on the island. She has some health issues and has basically given up on life. Her uncle (OG korean actor) is a weapons dealer for some  Russians (a whole mess and a half).

Any who, a lot of shit go down, the unclean dies  more shit happens and there'sma very satisfying revenge thing that happens.

By the end of the film, you're happy, sad. heartbroken and all that rubbish we go through when watching a really good movie. Do not expect any romance in this . It's roughly about two hours and some minutes but it is worth every second.

There's a lot of violence, blood shed and fighting. If you are into fights and shit, this movie is for you. The revenge part did what it needed to do to me by the end of it. I loved it and would highly recommend it. 
