Isoken (Nigerian Movie) 2017

I watched this Nigerian movie on Netflix and man did it bring a lot of things up for me that are all too real.
"Everyone in the Osayande family worries about Isoken. Although she has what appears to be a perfect life - beautiful, successful and surrounded by great family and friends - Isoken is still unmarried at 34 which, in a culture obsessed with marriage, is serious cause for concern. Things come to a head at her youngest sister's wedding when her overbearing mother thrusts her into an orchestrated matchmaking with the ultimate Edo man, Osaze. Osaze is handsome, successful and from a good family, making him the perfect Nigerian husband material. But in an unexpected turn of events, Isoken meets Kevin who she finds herself falling in love with and he just might be what she truly wants in a partner. The only problem is, not only is he not an Edo man, he is Oyinbo (Caucasian). Isoken is a romantic dramedy that explores cultural expectations, racial stereotypes and the bonds that unite families in a touching, dramatic and comedic way" (imdb)

So basically the movie is about how our typical nigerian mothers pretty much pressure their daughters into marriage. If it's not the mother it's family and friends and honestly it is the most frustrating thing ever. I felt the lead character's pain and suffering and patience wearing thin on the aunts coming uptimes to her trying to berate her because her sisters were married and sh was not ugh.

It took someone from a different cultural background coming into her life for her to embrace her natural side and be herself. I know it's a thing that real. You try so much to impress someone that you lose yourself and it takes the right person coming into your life to make you so relaxed and comfortable that you enjoy your own culture and also get to explore it in a way you haven't.

It starts off with the " you are not getting younger talks" then it moves on to the "i want grand children talk.There's so much expectations from families that some end up getting married just to shut them up. It's not right but as an outsider looking in you think the woman can just walk away and make her own happy decision when she wants to. I'm sorry to break it to you but it does not happen that way. After the marriage talks and you finally get married the baby talks come in.

You constantly get shamed and shaded for not popping out kids exactly nine months after the marriage. There are so many women in marriages where they are not happy and are stuck with four and five kids filled with regrets. They love their kids but are living with the fact that they did not take their time to get to know their spouse or enjoy them and experience them before popping out kids.

At the end of the day the movie was great. The fact that she chose her happiness made the end of the movie worth it. There were laughs and serious moments but in the end the take away is to choose yourself and your happiness and damn anyone's opinions about how you are living your life.

