Posessed K-Drama

literally how evil dude was....smfh
Man OCN did you do it this time. The hopes and expectations were high but then you showed us an ugly side. If you haven't seen the drama, this might ruin it for you (fair warning) This is my honest review.

We all know OCN isn't one for all that romantic bullshit but they tried it in this drama and ripped my heart out 😭😭😭😭.

The drama is your typical 16episode drama. I will say this off the bat...when it comes to the anticipation of what comes next this gets an A+ from me because i was hooked till the end BUT....here's the but WHY THE FUCK DID EVERYONE HAVE TO FUCKING DIE??

The first 6 episodes were great. I love how the leads liked each other and how their relationship came about then she had to go and become a shaman like WHAT?? This drama ruined me for a bit and I'm super mad about it.

The Romance

The whole thing started off with both leads not being able to stand each other but then they started liking each other. I know i know it sounds like every typical drama but in a typical 16 episode drama, the romance usually happens at around episode 10 then they break up around 13-14 and then get back together at 16 or not.

Possessed had theirs at around episode 6 and i was feeling it hard. They are an odd couple but i couldn't help but love them. I was rooting for them until they pushed the bullshit of them not being able to be together in this life. I wanna see them in a different drama where they actually end up together.


How the fuck do you end up killing off all the characters??? Man when i tell you they killed off everyone bruh i mean every FUKING ONE. From the chief to the little cop characters then the leads. I cried to much in this drama and i never expected it.

The evil spirit kept possessing people and living on like dude evaporate already. I had it up to here tied the evil character so much (because the acting was so fucking good) that i was tired of being fed up lmao. I pretty much made peace with his bs and long life.

Only OCN would do that to us. i'd still watch their dramas though because they do bring out some good shit. I would kinda recommend this if you're willing to go through all the crying and anger. A good take away from the drama is one song from the OST "What A Meaning by The Barberettes"and it's on Spotify (you're welcome).


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