Introverted Boss/ My Shy Boss 1-12 Review

Let me just put this out there now....THE LEAD CHICK IS FUCKING ANNOYING. I cannot stand I'm on episode 4 and she is working my last nerve. I understand she wants to get revenge but dude did not push her sister. Shouldn't she try to understand him first? But...BUT it get's so good. Like you would not believe

The way she pushes her way into the lead's life is vexing. She makes me want to push her out the fucking way every freaking time she shows up. Her whole character really rubbed me wrong and i had to take a long break from the drama after episode 4. Then my lord then i came back and marathoner the aired episodes on my day off from episode 5 to episode 12. How the fuck did it get this good???
So the lead guy is a fucking sweetheart and his shyness is so cute. The lead chick out of nowhere became lovable and likable. Don't get me started on the kiss scene...OMONNA it was phenomenal. The story line is interesting.

How did we not see the psychotic sister from a mile away? He is definitely off and needs professional help. "im happy if i have you whether you like it or not. Your happiness is irrelevant". Basically, this is her stance and i say we draw her a map to the mad house and send her on her merry way.

Even though the drama is still going on, i totally recommend it. Fun, engaging and uhmmmm it's a cable drama. Do yourself a favor and watch it.
