Father, I'll Take Care of You Ep 7 Rant - Racism & Stereotypes SMFH

Soooo we should just act like we did see anything wrong with that scene????? That scene South Korea is so fucking racist. The fuck is wrong with y'all????
Of all the people to cast as the robber in that scene, you had to pick a black person right? Fucking hell man. Like there was no Korean or white person to fit that role huh because all bad people are fucking black. You know what i blame the stupid black man that took the role. Anything for a fucking dollar i see.

Like all the black people they had audition for the role couldn't speak up and say this is wrong, stereotypical and plain ole racist. I see what they tried to do with another black guy in the picture where the lead character was in a meeting and a "black guy" was strategically placed in front ..puhlease who do y'all think you're fooling???? It was the same fucking guy that played the robber. I swear some people are retarded and to you Mr Black Man that agreed to those scenes, we the sane black people revoke your black care. We do not know you or accept you anymore you nonentity.

Stop with the fucking stereotypes beg........ Rant over......carry on.
