The Good Wife 굿 와이프

As you all watching this drama..... and WOW it is blowing the fuck out of my mind. As of the time this post is going up, we have 2 more episodes to go......aaaahhhh i can't wait!!!
Basically in this post i will be telling you all what i think of some of the characters.
Kim Hye Kyung- The lead actress uhmmmm yea i just need her to divorce her cheating ass no good, big for nothing corrupt husband and get with bae. I do not like the way she lets her "husband" get away with things. Her character sometimes seems strong and the rest of the time she seems like a push over. And her brother is gay.... yaaaasssssss TVN.

See Joong Won- Bae... OMG this man is just so sexy and can do no wrong in my book. If it wasn't for the incident with Kim Hye Kyung and her soon to be ex husband she would have dated and married bae.  Let's take a moment to appreciate this man in his gawd damn suits and his hair and his everything. He is goals thank you very much. 

About his sister, Seo Ayung Hee i love her sometimes and like her sometimes. But overall she's one that cares about her brother even if she's kinda wishy washy... I like her most of the time lol.
Lee Tae Joon - Oh kdrama gods like what is going on??? Who hasn't this man slept with?? He is as evil as they come and is as manipulative as ever. His character i hate so much but he is so good looking which makes it kinda sorta hard. Corruption is his middle name. Plus he's a homophobic bitchass bitch.

Lee Tae Joon's Mother- Well as far as I'm concerned that old bat can get run over by a truck. I hate how she tries to turn the kids against their mother. Bitch your son cheated not once not twice but countless times and he's a corrupt prosecutor. I guess she's being a mother and standing by he kid but i wish she would call a spade a spade and accept the fact that her child aint worth a cat's turd.

The thing I cannot stand is lee tae joon and his mother. Your son sleeps with all those women and you still want the wife to stay there like a fool??? Nah fuck that. All the people worried about the kids.... well they will live after all they are old enough to understand what is going on. The kids are understanding their mother's hurt slowly and will in time come to see there father is a piece of shit. I love the fact that SJW confronted the EMIL because she was trying to turn the kids against their mom. Plus why isnt anyone thinking about the woman here??? She has been through enough. Being cheated on is not something one can sleep off and forgive just like that. The fact that she stayed with that evil man through his trial says alot about her. I for one would have left him at the first sign of cheating. I do not know how she did it because overtime she looks at the man she see's all the women he cheated with.

Fuck society and all they have to say about the woman moving on after being cheated on. When they are in the same situation they can put their 2 cents in. I do not support staying in a relationship and being miserable just because you have children. They are not the first set of kids to be raised by separated parents and they will not be the last. A lot of people have done it without any problems. This drama should show some women that they do not need to be in a defend relationship just because of the kids. They can still live a fruitful life and be happy.

Nana's character is being punished kinda because she slept with lee tae joon and the wife now knows about it after both women became friends. Relationship cut. I don't think she should be that mad at nana because the main culprit is the asshole of a "husband".

What is all this about betrayal??? She was cheated on and finally has an out to go live her life as she wants and some of you are mad cos she wants to have a life????? What nonsense... so you'd be happy if she stays in a marriage with an evil man that is constantly cheating and has done heaven knows what and she doesn't love him anymore.. I cannot deal with that mentality. Any women watching this drama that is in a similar situation pls know that you can always leave. If you have children.. explain the situation to them if they are older and then live your life. You only have 1 life and it does not end after you have kids pls.

And everyone that thinks the lead actress is making a bad decision by living her life... well you can fuck all the way off.
Rant Over

All in all, i am throughly enjoying this drama and cannot wait for the final 2 episodes. I hope she gets a nice divorce and reads the eyes and nose off her mother in law. It is freaking awesome and it is by TVN so you already know it's good.

100% Recommend this 
