CL's "Lifted"..... Disappointment Level on 10

Alright.... along with every other CL "fan" i have been waiting for her US crossover album and like a sensible person i you know thought she would bring that S.Korean goodness and make other Americans freaking thirst for that hangul sound. We waited .... and waited smh boy did we wait in vain......
How in the hell does she tease us with "Hello Bitches" (took a while to grow on me) since that what like the song to tide us over i was like yaaassssss it's freaking CL the napeun gijibae from S.K and she will shut it down and have everyone bumping her long awaited album.

Shit this album has been in the works for so damn long, Minzy left 2NE1 because you know the group aint doing shit, Bom's dealing with le drug scandal, Dara is busy acting (bless her soul she gats to eat) so come time for contract renewal Minzy bae said y'all aint doing diddly so umma go spread my wings solo.

We finally hear from CL after a long ass while and what does she gift us with???? Fucking "Lifted". My face when i saw the video could not and cannot be put into words. What the hell type of appropriation  fest went down in that video??? The lyrics alone made me mad. The sone is a result of when someone try too hard to fit into a culture kind of.

I just can't with these lyrics coming out of her mouth. The the billboard whats to say the song is doing well on the charts hmmmm yea based on the views it will seem like it is but people are just watching it for laughs. I might actually prefer that friday song over this. As a murican living in the muricas and a fan or S.Korean artists I'm disappointed because i expected better since we waited like forever.
