Acne Treatment ....Who Knew?

It's summer and I'm working. My me time has been cut really short and i barely have the patience and time for anything extra besides my regular facial routine.

I've had this tub of seaweed mask for a while now and have been dreading using it because it has this fishy smell to it since it is "seaweed". I just couldn't deal with the smell.. then i read on the container that i could add some essential oils to it to mask the smell. Off i went on the search for some essential oils. All i could find was eucalyptus oil and i bought it. When i got home i decided to look up the benefits of eucalyptus oil and the possible cons.
Welp turns out the oil is perfect for acne. It dries those suckers out... that was all i needed to read and i went for it.

  • So i mix one scoop of the seaweed powder with water and 4 drops of the oil.
  • Mix till smooth.
  • Wash face thoroughly and pat dry.
  • Then apply a thin layer of the mask. It will sting your eyes for a few seconds then you'll be able to see  normally lol. It feels cool while it's on till you wash it off.
  • Was off the mask after 20 minutes or till it is completely dry.
