Spring Fifty Episode Dramas

So 50 episode drama!!!!1 I can honestly say i was never a fan of them and only stuck to 16 episode dramas and maybe some 30ep dramas if the plot was interesting. The number fifty just always scared the crap out of me and so i pretty much wrote them off.

Big mistake on my part lol because they are actually life. To date i have a few fifty ep dramas on my list that i have sat through and don't regret any of them. They can be a bit overwhelming if you try to go the marathon route but then again that works for some people.  These are the two 50 episode dramas that are currently airing and i'm loving them so far.

Five Enough aka Five Children

"Sang-Tae (Ahn Jae-Wook) is left with his two children after his wife passes away. Since that time, he lives with his two kids and parents-in-law. He works as a marketing team leader for a fashion brand. Mi-Jung (So Yu-Jin) works as an assistant manager at the same fashion company. 3 years ago, her husband had an affair with her friend and left her. She couldn't tell her kids the truth about their father and lied that their father went to work in America. To this day, the children still believe that their father is in America. Sang-Tae and Mi-Jung never thought about falling in love again, but they fall in love with each other".

This drama replaced the slot that was filled by "All About My Mom" which was a fantastic drama till the end. After 10 episodes of Five Enough i think i have enough material to give this drama a very fair judgment. So far i am loving the drama except for the obvious annoying characters...... The lead couple is very cute together and so far we are 22 episodes in. So far so good.

The part I'm looking forward to is where the lead's in laws find out he is dating. I love the way the characters are being developed and the pace at which the drama is being developed.

It airs on Saturdays and Sundays on Viki.

Monster 2016

"Kang Ji Hwan is an only son and heir to his families business. Under a murder attempt his parents get killed and he's the only survivor. Unfortunately, he loses his sight but something happens and his hearing ability gets improved drastically like no normal human. Under these circumstances, he gets threaten by his aunt and is extremely aware that his remaining family members will try to kill him before his birthday. With no one to protect him, he is pushed toward his death. Years later, he returns with a new identity and vengeance toward the people who wronged him. However, he finds love".

This drama replaced Glorious Temptation also known as Glamorous Temptation. The drama started off a little bit slow in the first episode then it started getting good from episode 2. It then got better and more interesting when the grown up characters were introduced.

For all you Park Ki Woong fans this is is first drama since his return from the army. A monday and tuesday night melodrama  with tidbits of comedy in it as per usual of dramas starring  Kang Ji Wan. The only issue i kinda have with this drama is that what i thought would be a secret till like mid drama was revealed in the first few episodes... i'm just watching to see how everything unfolds.


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