Goodbye Mr. Black Finale

This drama was a roller coaster ride to say the least. At first i thought it was going to be 16 episodes but as you know with melodramas they drag on for 20+ episodes.....

So i'll just break it down by character .....

  • Black and Kim Swan ended up together. They both almost lost their lives but the fact that the writer made them live gave the drama an alright ending.
  • Ji soo, Black's sister ended up with Ji Ryoon the family's lawyer. I low key knew they'd end up together because of the way he took care of her when she was blind while Black was tending to other things.
  • Beak Eun Do aka the worst living con man in drama land well can't be compared to the guy in "Master of  Noodles" different drama. He got sentenced to life in prison and then he escaped. While trying to make his way to Chine, he was intercepted by CJW aka Black. he died finally at by the hands of Mr. Black.... gun shot wound straight to the chest and black got off with 
  • Soon Ma Ri with her unfaithful and indecisive ass ended up alone after divorcing Sun Jae. Sun Jae on the other hand ended up serving a ten year sentence in prison ... i wanted him to get life. Fucking greedy idiot. He should have gotten life. 
  • Black and Sun Jae went from best friends to mortal enemies ....smh all because of the greed of Sun Jae.
  • Seo Woo Jin i guess doused the flames of his one sided love towards Swan because she's with Black and he moved on nicely lol. The writers damn near made me hate his character but you all know the actor is my bae for life. I don't think i could ever hate him.
  • Sung Min aka Mutong and In Ja brad pit and jolie lmao
Even though the drama kind of dragged in the middle and i got over the whole revenge thing very quickly, the ending was very palatable and sweet. I rated it an 8/10 because of the ending. The closure was nice.
