Dramas You Should Be Watching Right Now

These dramas are currently airing and you should be watching them like now. They are gems that shouldn't be passed up for anything. I get excited at the thought of new episodes...
Master: God of Noodles
 Okay people.... i have to admit the poster for this drama isn't all that attractive and the fact that the title seems kind of weak. When you hear the name you just go .... hmmmmmm sooooo someone will get revenge by making noodles????? Okay!!! But wait .... wait a whole damn minute because i watched the first episode and uhmmmmmm.... DAEBAK does not begin to explain how awesome this drama is and how deep it goes. It is beyond noodles i tell ya ....

From Baro's savage ass acting that send chills down ones' back to bae (Chun Jung Myun) looking as yummy as hell. Alright lets get into it. So this drama is way more than noodles... it is about REVENGE and i don't know how it will be executed but oh my God... i cannot wait. Since this is based on a manhwa... i refuse to look it up because it might ruin the whole thing or me. I'll just give you the gist of the 4 episodes i have seen so far. In just these four episodes a lot has taken place. We started off with the history of Kim Gil Do who's younger self was played by Baro of B1A4.

At about episode 3, my friend and i were trying to map put the route the drama was going to take and boy were we wrong. The dude we wanted to get to jail did, everything about tis drama is so unpredictable. This drama is beyond fantastic and will have you on your toes the whole time. The development is so good and is at a very nice pace.

Total 20 episodes and it airs Wed and Thurs

Mirror of The Witch 
This drama started off weird but then it quickly picked up ... Leave it to JTBC to make a drama and kill off half of the cast in the first 4 episodes. That being said, I'm loving the heck out of this drama. it is a fantasy drama with witch craft and hocus locus ish going on. We are already four episodes in and i really cannot wait for the next episode... I'm actually itching for more. 

Since it's a cable drama just expect some good ass acting and an awesome drama in total. The bonus part of this drama is uri bae from "Me Too Flower" Yoon Shi Yoon is the main character and this is his first drama since his return from the army. I freaking love his work.
So more about the drama... so far i dislike the queen because she is a selfish bitch who would do anything to have the crown prince for the king. Because she is infertile she resulted to using black magic at the coaxing of her mother in law ... the king's mother that old bat. Without spilling some sweet parts of the drama, she has twins but they are cursed a boy and girl. They transfer the curse to the girl and send her off to be killed. 

She lives but she now has the curse on her. All of a sudden after some weird shit happens .... she's sporting a white wig and i loose it with the laughter. There are ghosts in this drama that scared my weak heart. For some people it will be nothing but for me it was a lot.

The drama so far is keeping my interest well.

Total 16 episodes and it airs Fri and Sat

Dear My Friends
So this drama.. i was really excited for because it has most of my favorite halmoni actresses in it. At first  when i told some people about it, they were like ugh it's old people only ... i won't like it. Well well screw them .. lmao nah they are entitles to their opinions. This drama is a fucking gem. I love it and only two episodes have aired. It is hilarious, emotional and fucking hits some real issues older people face. There are grudges, overbearing moms, secrets, fears, romance, adultery .... i just love it.

All the actors in this drama are bae. I have a sport spot for each and everyone of them and it only freaking helps that fucking +Daniel Henney is a guest star in the drama. He is the sexy photographer neighbor. My friend and i went on a thirst post on instagram on why he should be our neighbor lmao...... i really wish and hope.
There are some other actors in it like Lee Kwang Soo our Giraffe, Jo In Sung and Shin Seong Woo with his sexy self is in it too. This is another cable drama so you already know the daebakness is expected for real.

Total 16 episodes and airs Fri and Sat.

Beautiful Gong Shim
I will admit this straight up....i totally underestimated this drama and put it off for a week. I dont know why but i started it and now im mad i did because the drama if fucking good. It is a drama with an awesome story but the comedy is great.

The drama is about two guys and two chicks... a romantic comedy. One guy is rich and the other lives in a rooftop apparteu and is a lawyer with a record. Turns out the roof top guy (lead dude) is the air to the wealth the second guy is from ..... daebak. How will it all unfold? Omo im actually excited lol
I already love the main couple. The lead guy is fucking hilarious and the way he interprets the character is awesome. You already know i spot my evil characters quick...That being said, i have my list of people that i hate and have hated them since the first episode smh. the lead chick's family from her money hungry parents to her sister. My dislike for the sister is worse...i dont think i have seen the actress in any role i have liked her in.... nope not one.

She was in "Me Too Flower" as the irritating greedy chick that we all wanted to drown. She was then in "Scent of a Woman", "That Winter The Wind Blows".....OMG she plays the same characters over and over and over again and quite frankly i'm sick and tired of her...but i digress. She is a calculating, greedy, gold digging leech in this drama as always. Since she's a side character, her annoying presence is still there.

The main couple though are bless. The lead chick can be annoying but we still love her. 

Total 20 episodes and it airs Sat and Sun.
