Descendants of the Sun Ep 11 - 14 Recap

Oh boy what are we in for this week???? My bad for putting this off till this week but hey you get 4 in one and oh yea he's finally deadπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽŠπŸŽŠπŸŽŠπŸŽŠπŸŽŠ. Thank you drama gawks... but it will be over next week *sad face*
OST: M.C The Max - Wind Beneath Your Wings
OST: Gummy- You are My Everything
Episode 11
Yaaaaaaa Onew needs to win an award for real for real. I totally love him as LCH. He finally redeemed himself when he kinda saved that white haired weasel. YMJ was cured well the vaccine was gotten to the base and as of the end of the ep she was okay.  Agus kidnapped KMY because he wanted YSJ to help him escape out of Urk. Agus own people are going to try and kill him after his deal with them is done by midnight...... smh i have had it up to here with Agus dumb ass.  YSJ turned in his favor card for help from the people of the important guy KMY performed surgery on in an earlier episode before the earthquake.

Episode 12
So for three hours YSJ is a civilian and on leave from the army. He basically said fuck all the heads and he's going to save his boo. His commander  (YMJ's dad) called and said for 3 hours he doesn't know him and his whereabouts.

The chief commander aka YMJ's dad aaaayyyyyyeeeeee he came through for the fam yo... stood up to the damn chief of security or whoever that dude was and defended his black ops people for going to save KMY and that he was going to take responsibility for their actions. Man YSH was vexed as a mf when he saw the bruise on KMY's lip and almost got everyone killed then he noticed the bomb n her. Agus that bitch shot at KMY but YSH took the bullet for her and emptied his clip in Agus. Yessssssss he's dead OMG.... I cannot be happier right now. No one got in trouble because the president showed up and said it was all his responsibility and there really isn't nay harm done because the rescue was successful. KMY escaped with a grazed shoulder but was really shaken up. The medical team is set to leave Urk.

LMAO KMY and YMJ has a little argument infant of their guys about some guy they had something with... the guys (YSJ and SDY)got mad and were like they got mad over the picture and gift from the flight attendants and they had their own thing going .... then they started talking about how they were going to take care of dude .....dying of laughter.... love it when i hear jealous bfs' bitching lol.

Episode 13
I am dreaming so hard right now 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 "YOO AH IN" cameo at th bank omonna i cannot breathe. So the team is back in SK and the Alpha team is in Urk. YSJ blackmailed the lieutenant into sending him, SDY and YMJ back to SK. KMY quit the hospital to go start up her own clinic but she couldn't get a loan from the bank so she had to go back to the  hospital chairman ... that weasel and practically beg for her job back. He put her in the ER and said she'll be working mostly the night shift because he doesn't want to see her comfortable........ why i ought to kick his ass right out the window.

SDY told YMJ he loves her and will not breakup with her ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.  Everyone is back in SK✈ now and YSJ and SDY are so freaking cute together .....Bromance for the win. They had a no nights three day drink binge. Well it was short lived... YMJ broke up with SDY because he decided to quit the army according to her father's wishes and he felt like she made him look like a fool when she went behind him to make deals with her dad concerning him. She dumped him.

The last scene was YSJ and a north Korean man arriving at the ER in two ambulance vans.πŸš‘πŸš‘

Episode 14
YSJ got shot in the shoot out that took place in the parking garage. The target was the North Korean army guy... he sought out YSJ to take him back to the north because he didn't trust his own people. YSJ survived but he flatlined for a bit and KMY damn near lost her mind but after YSJ came through she was okay and he asked her to perform the surgery on the NK guy. During the surgery she found something stitched in his arm.. a chip( memory card).

So there was a big hoopla with the NK dude long story short, YSJ ended up helping him with the Alpha team and they were able to capture the NK traitor. He was sent back to NK but is fate was undetermined and it bothered YSJ because he did know know what would happen to his chingu.

SSH and HJA finally confessed and admitted they like each other (freaking love them together sweet and funny). LCH's baby mama gave birth to a cute little boy.

YSJ did get in trouble with KMY because he left the hospital, and SDY and YMJ are still on their push and pull thing. I need them to get back together asap.

The preview for next week hints at the death of the boys (YSJ and SDY). Dying on their last mission.... i pray dear drama gads it's not true and they were just trolling us. Please end awesomely.

>>>See ya in the final recap<<<
