Signal Ep 13- 14 Recap

Finally finally we are getting somewhere ... but I'm sad at the same time. This drama is ending next week but what can i say... all good things must eventually come to an end.
  • PHY and CSH are investigating the injoo case that involved his brother
  • We are hoping when they solve it his brother will be alive and LJH will be alive too but then some other people will die...... hmmmmm
  • The way CSH keeps diving head first into situations pisses me off to no end. She likes acting like rambo and getting people in freaking trouble especially LJH. He got stabbed trying to save her dumb ass from a culprit they were going after as a freaking TEAM when she decided to wander off on her damn solo mission.
  • PHY warned LJH to drop the case because he would be in trouble if he keeps on digging into it... those powerful bastards behind the chief ugh ... can they all be exposed like right now.
  • We found out that PHY's brother was framed and when he spoke to the girl that basically blamed him, he did not come off as someone who was going to end his life. Which means he was murdered.
  • PHY figured out that his brother was drugged and murdered and it was made to look like a suicide. 
  • CSH finally heard a transmission with her freaking ears and couldn't believe it then was acting like it didn't just happen like wtf woman..... YOU JUST HEARD IT.
I can't wait for Friday to find out how things will turn out. Will PHY be able to save LJH and bring his brother back? There's this feeling i have that the evil guys will try to get rid of PHY.....ugh with cable dramas you just never know. They can decide to kill off every character in the end lmao but fingers crossed it'll end as awesomely as it began.
