Descendants of The Sun Ep 9 & 10 Recap

I waited patiently all week for this drama and finally i've been rewarded lol. I feel like this is that awesome cookie you have on your cheat day ....hmmmmmm cookies. The scene we have all been waiting for finally happened and man i was not the least bit disappointed.....
OST: With You by Lyn
OST: What are You Doing by K.Will
Love is in the fucking air y'all.... KMY got to her phone a few seconds to late and the whole camp heard her confession daebak..... embarrassment level at 5000. She was running away with her phone when YSJ jumped out the window from the second floor in time to catch her at the door omo my heart cannot take this i swear. She runs away from him and it's so freaking cute how embarrassed she is. The soldiers had a side bet going that KMY and YSJ were dating or they had something going on. Okay KMY and YSJ are driving to a meeting and drive over a land mine. He stops and lets her know what sup and ignorer to survive she should just follow his foot steps and he will not let her die.
They are surrounded my lines and this man manages to make the situation sexy as fuck... hmmm damsel in distress here and I'm surrounded by lava.... save me too LMAO. While they are slowly making their way to safety he tells her to watch his sexy behind while he's searching for the mines ....... YEEEESSSSSSSSS GAWWWWDDDDD. KMY told him in situations like these is where his jokes give her strength. I love how she has come to terms with her feelings for him and is just riding the wave.
THEY FUCKING KISSED YO. She confessed and he kissed her... he gave her a proper ass kiss in a truck filled with hay and my  heart was weightless, butterflies in my gut the whole nine. I swear i love this pair to bits. They both had pieces of hay in their hair and stuck to their clothes so you can imagine the rolling around that happened on the truck bed.... mmmmmmmmm my mind is running all they way with it. I replayed this part over and over and over and over again.We got a truck kiss scene and the kiss scene at the gas pump.
The other two doctors I'm shipping are just as cute as they can be. LCH (Onew) has a tough time treating his patient because the guy resents him for leaving him in the collapsing building... the idiot doesn't know LCH got hurt and was the one who sent help to his dumbass so he's giving him a hard time and LCH is all shaken up and loosing confidence as a doctor. Poor baby...

Im shipping the girlmance between KMY and YMJ. They had a little talk about dating members of the alpha team. YMJ tells KMY the only thing she worry's about despite what they do and how dangerous it  can be is being separated from her man and that she's happy now because they are under the same sky.
OMO the soldiers morning run (my eyes are happy and truly appreciate the lovely sight)

YMJ's father finally agreed to her dating SDY under one condition that he quit the alpha team and take a desk job in the army in a position he will create for SDY.What sort of fuck shit is that?? YMJ knows fully well what SDY does and has made peace with it. Why is the father so freaking difficult? He is messing with his daughter's happiness ugh. Besides her father's fuck shit, i shit the two of them. They are a mother cute pair.
The bad guy you know the english speaking dude Agus ...yea well he got runs this camp of orphans where he breeds the boys to be in gangs and the girls are sold to pimps. The camp was found because of a kid that was caught stealing. This one chick there that was able to communicate with  YSJ and KMY said it was her turn to be sold off to a pimp and she would help with the translations if they got her out of there. Ages gets back and the chick like a boss freaking gets a gun out of no where and shoots Agus in the stomach. He starts yelling at KMY to save him because she's a doctor and she took an oath. The girl gets behind YSJ where KMY is also standing and starts yelling let him die... KMY doesn't want to save him because he's evil and shit but YSJ tells her too save him and if the situation turns into one where Agus needs to be shot that he'll be the one doing it... yaaassssss boo come thru.

So KMY ended up removing the bullet and patching dude up to hold him off till he gets to a hospital. Agus is a runaway American soldier who traded in his uniform to become an arms dealer. All the kids were rescued. Back in SK, LCH's baby mama thinks he's cheating on her in Urk.... bitch how? With who? ugh.... A package arrived for SDY and KMY announced it on the receiver everyone has..... both SDY and YSJ haul ass to go collect the package. YMJ get's there first and opens it and what do you know a picture of both guys with 2 flight attendants on what seems to be a date. Guess who's in trouble lmao.... KMY too isn't happy lmao. Both men are sweating bullets.
Yaaaaahhhhhh LCH's acting is jjang. He had me crying when he was apologizing to the guy he couldn't save. So yea that little bitch that shot Agus stole a bunch of narcotics to go give her "boyfriend" who was just using her ...smh naive nonsense. Any who he whoops her ass and KMY and YSJ end up having to save her. YSJ had to fight off these retarded boys and he looked so badass doing it. I love how he didn't shoot them and just did enough to knock them down. After they escaped, the car broke down making it the third car KMY has wrecked.
The blonde haired weasel swallowed the diamonds and tried to flea the country. His dumbass was found by Agus and was almost gutted like a damn fish when the alpha team saved him. Come to find out the bronze bitchlette has a virus. They found out about the virus when surgery was being performed on him. Blood splattered on KMY and YMJ and they had to get their blood tested. YMJ is indeed infected ... they better not kill her off.

Let me put my little theory out there.... so i think by them infecting YMJ, it will make SDY be more open with his feelings for her and probably stand up to her father... you never know.

 The previews didnt look good either. It looks like Agus will finally kidnap KMY. I cannot wait till he gets a proper ass whooping and is basically killed.
You know how you have the annoying side chicks in dramas? Well Agus is the same just plain ole annoying .....ugh

>>>>>See Ya Next Week<<<<<
