Descendants of The Sun Ep 5 & 6 Recap

So wednesday and thursdays have become my favorite days of the week since this drama started. And here we are again at yet another exciting wed and thurs......ahhhhhhh (excitement level at 150% because of the scene we were left at last week)...... The drama is so fucking good
OST: Always by Yoon Mi Rae
Excuse me but i am about to conjur up my inner hoe (come one beech and lay this chick out *referring to KMY) Alright... so we got the kiss scene again then YSJ collected the bottle from KMY and placed it ever so smoothly then he gently placed his hand on her neck and chin and was about to kiss her again..... you know what this simple ass beech KMY did?This ho leaned off to the side like don't do that again. I was screaming KISS HIM BACK HO KISS HIM THE FUCK BACK.
Now let me tell you something you have any idea bow many women in dreamland would have committed crimes to be in your position???? I think not. I for one would have had that man all types of ways in that army base kitchen you'd think it was ravaged by a freaking hurricane. Let me stop because the way my imagination is running right now....i'd pen a very raunchy novel lmao. My inner ho just wanter her to simply twerk on a nigga like is that too much to ask??? Chaebal...

YSJ's english though omo floating hearts 😍😍😍😍😘 lmao......So KMY finally knows what YSJ does and as she's driving back to the base i guess she's deep in thought and almost gets run over by a truck which she avoids then looses it and almost drives off a cliff and her car gets stuck.😟😟
She then calls YSJ and h's on his way to rescue her... After he hangs up this over dramatic ass woman starts leaving voice notes on her phone for her mom and it is cracking me all the way up for when they find her phone legit crying and laughing at this point 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂because we cannot take her seriously. Like woman you aren't dead yet or going to because bae is on his way to save you.
He saves her like a boss and she starts complaining lmao.... he finds it cute so it's okay. Fucking CPR yo dude can save me any gat damn time. Okay let me stop.....the CPR was technically another kiss scene but you know we the watchers are greedy and want another proper ass kisseu schene.....lmfao. After saving her and they got back to the base, he took off his jacket thingy and put it over her shoulder and said her shirt was see through... lmao she went nuts like why was he just telling her? He said he had seen it all and didn't want another person to see it....yaaaasssssss bae claim what is yours lol. As he walked off i swear i heard my ovaries sigh and go praise Korean Jesus.
Any who, YSJ is being transferred out of Urk the next day and KSY didn't find out about it till the night of. She's not happy and since she has been avoiding the fact that they kissed i guess she's regretting it now. YSJ asks her if she wants him to confess his love or apologize....beeech the whole world was screaming confess dude....

You already know old girl will have something smart to say and not let this man love her yo. She said he is too dangerous. I felt this was her reasoning since the beginning because yo never know what will happen. She resents him and asked him to apologize...ugh the sound of my heart sinking into the abyss. In all honesty i get where she's coming from. People are so quick to jump into relationships without considering anything at all. She is thinking and calculating shiddddd.... i do the same being the pessimist i am. The next morning though she looked for him but he was gone. I love how he walks away from situations like "miss me beech"

KMY regrets accepting YSJ's apology and wishes she had held on to him. Then she said he probably thinks she isn't worth it..... girl go get yo man if you are really like him. 
And the best friends are back together because "BROMANCE" duh... the couple tee scene i died ...too freaking cute
 PS: I ship Seo Dae Young and Yoon Myeong Joo so hard. We keep getting bits and pieces of their story and so far it is so freaking cute. I hope they end up together and screw what her father thinks about their relationship.
One is just as scrumptiously cute as he can be.... even told a some chick that thought he was hitting on her that she wasn't that pretty......imagine my ugly laugh at this point.
 Two new faces..... well the top one was in the drama last week and he was a good guy now turned bad guy... The one at the bottom is mchottie hot hot hot with a nice ass and so far he's been good. He speaks so calmly and sort of reminds me of Kim Bum hmmmm. His name in this drama is Daniel.
The medical team was all set to head back home and were taken in batches to the airport. The first bath was on their way when an earthquake hit Urk. The first team was carrying  KMY and she demanded they go back to help the other team.... since this happened you already know everyone is reporting back to base including our bromance couple. Onew's character lost a patient (tears) and he didn't take it well. bother doctor had to slap the stars out of him to snap back and everyone cried. The earthquake scene reminds me seriously of D-Day.

A new OST debuted in episode 6... aaaahhhhhh i cannot wait to get my hands on it.
>>>>>Eps 7&8 ...lawd i am not ready but i am<<<<<
