Cheese In the Trap Final review

WTF this drama has officially ruined me ......i don't know where to begin.... The ending though.....
Episode 15

Jung and Seol planned a get away together and were going to leave right after her last exam of the semester. While she's writing her exam.... all the shit with InHa is going down where Jung's father severs all ties with them and tells her not to contact him and his son again. He flipped when InHa said he shouldn't listen to Jung because he knows how strange he is..... boy did the man have a freaking cow yo. He saw red and went all off with your heads lmao.

I had an issue with the fact that Yoo Jung's father chose to believe In Ha when she was talking all that crap about Seol using Jung. Who would believe someone else over their own son. The way Jung handled her though was so perfect. Until In Ha pushed Seol in to traffic and she got hit.... At this point I'm just livid because she freaking went nuts. Sell got hit and we were left with a thick ass pool of blood. We know why Jung's father took InHo and InHa. He did so because a doctor advised him while Jung was young that he needed siblings to her him get out his feelings and that the traits he was exhibiting were the same as his dad when he was younger.
InHa is a fucking bitch. Everything that happened to her in episode 15 was well deserved.
She was treated so well by Jung's father... credit cards and every gawd damn thing she wanted she got. Even her own freaking apartment. This bitch didn't have to pay rent or work a day in her damn life. Jung's father paid for everything even her college but this bitch just wanted to be greedy and lust after what was not hers. In Ha conveniently forgot that Yoo Jung's father is not hers. I mean her grand father is well and alive why the entire fuck is she still mooching off Jung's family??  The fact that she thought she could have jung was just absurd.  She crossed Yoo Jung by talking shit to his dad about Seol. Jung's revenge was epic. Jung called up her exes and exposed her true nature to his dad and i love it. The actress that plays her though is just awesome. I swear if were a real person i would molly whop her ass up and down the damn street.

InHo went to confront Jung about what happened to InHa and Jung asked him and InHa to leave him and his family alone and not to ever talk shit about Seol because if she does it again he doesn't know what will do.

At this point i was fuming like how can they just end the episode like that and then the preview didn't look promising at all but at the same time it kind of looks like there is some light at the end of the tunnel .
Episode 16

Jung's father is a complete ass hole who thinks he can compensate everyone with money no matter the situation.  InHa got admitted into a mental heath facility. Here we were thinking it was for her own good nope it was all orchestrated by Yoo Jung’s father just because if she got charged as a sane person then it would sully his name and tarnish the company.  Seol broke some ribs and had to have surgery and it went well. It took a while for her to come through but she was better after a while.

Jung quit the company and said he was going away but before he left his father acknowledged the fact that his son is like him. He did not want him to turn out like him but by taking in InHo and InHa and treating him the way he did he pretty much made him the way he is. You Jung then broke up with Seol. He did not like the way he was and wanted to go find himself to be able to love her as he should. Seol was heart broken.... fuck that we all were. He realized he hurt people more than he actually did (i for one see no fault in anything he did because those people sure as hell weren't thinking about their victims' feelings when they hurt them) InHo apologized for the pain his sister and himself caused Jung and that was it. They severed ties. That was it ...... he left. 

............Three years later.......

InHa got released and got a boyfriend (puke) didn't change one bit, InHo got into college and continued playing the piano. Seol's friends stayed together as a couple and we got no closure from Jung and Seol just that he read one of the many emails Seol sent him. She did say she longed for him at one point when she thought she saw him walk past her.

Final Review

It is safe to say the PD of this drama is shit. Okay she did do Heart to Heart and i loved it but she also did "Triple" which was horse shit also. It is a fucking drama which means you as the person in charge can take it in any gawd damn direction you please. That being said... the suckiness of this drama's ending is so painful. After investing all of my damn time watching it even when they tried to force a love triangle between Jung, Seol and InHo ..i stuck it out.


My rating for it started at a 10 then the InHo incident brought it down to a 6 and finally that ending rounded up my rating to a 9.5. I cannot speak for anyone else but i watched this drama just for the chemistry and scenes with Yoo Jung sunbae and Seol but for us to be hoodwinked and bamboozled like this is just not fair.

Soooo episode 16 was a total bust. I really loved this drama and it has so much fucking potential but they decided to give us that shitty ass ending. I was expecting a lot more scenes from Seol and Jung like they were the reason I stuck it out in this drama. The skinship was lacking majorly and here I was expecting a handful being that this was a TVN drama….. fat chance right?

Overall, the drama was okay but the fact that everyone got a happy ending except for Jung and Seol out OTP is just fucking crazy. The case with his father wasn't really solved just acknowledged so i guess that is better than nothing.

The actors delivered on their own though so i cannot and will not fault them. If they would air a special that would be greatly appreciated or if you know PHJ marries KGE (praying and hoping). At the moment i am left with the short clips of them together posted on youtube by ten :(........

PS: The special was bullshit. We were expecting the deleted scenes and some explanations instead we got a summary of the whole freaking drama in 30minutes......... aigooooyaaaaaaaaaa
