Signal 7- 12 Recap

Okay finally we are getting somewhere. We are finally at the point where the case that involved the lead guy's brother is going to get solved somehow. I really wonder how that will play out like will the brother  come back to life??? Will LJH come back to life?????? Hmmmmmmmmmm
Alright so the past four episodes have been a roller coaster ride. While watching the drama i keep trying to solve the cases before they do...... epic failure on my part.

  • The lead female is alway diving into shit head first... consequences be damned.  She keeps forgetting that there is the off chance of her loosing her life. Which is what happened a couple episodes ago and cute distraught lead boy had to pull some Houdini shit just to get her back.
  • I love how the female lead's mother is trying to be sneaky about liking PHY but her sneakiness is just too obvious and i am living for it. She wants this boy in her family come hell or high water lmao and she is doing everything to make that possible even lying to get him to come over just so she can admire his butt......<3 it.
  • So finally we know that PHY's brother was set up  by practically the whole police department because most of them were paid off.
  • Ahn Chi So was murdered after he confessed to PHY that he personally killed LJH and also revealed a hint of where the body was and of course PHY figured it out.
  • Finally the body of LJH has  been found.
  • The murder of ACS is being blamed on PHY by the shady now police captain.
  • It's been revealed that a bigger more powerful person is behind these shady and shiesty cops.
This weekend will be awesome because we will hopefully see who the power behind them is and maybe finally put PHY's brother to rest in peace.
