Signal 5 & 6 Recap

Okay so y'all know i love this drama but .....yea the but was coming. I could see it from a mile away. So the guy in the past yea him..... he is really starting to piss me off.
Why is he always so quick to jump on the first person he finds based off what the future guy tells him? And any time he does that an innocent person dies. I don't get it. You'd think he'll take his time and investigate properly instead of rushing to be a hero. Being a cop and all you'd think rational thinking would me priority here. I get he wants to "save a life"that's how his mind works but in reality he's running off a cliff and taking a bunch of people with him.
Because of his foolishness the little girl dies on some bullshit. If he had just let the guy take his daughter  home she wouldn't have gotten on the bus to follow her dad and the cop to the police station. By arresting the poor girls dad he set off a fucked up motion.. the bridge breaks off in the middle and the bus falls with it.  The girl's dad watches as some guy saves their child and leaves his daughter in the bus and it explodes.
Fast forward to the present day, he is released from prison and goes to put his revenge plan in motion. He kidnaps the girl tat was saved  and sets a trap too. This damn trap ends up killing the female lead in the drama.

Side note the guy was falsely accused and the actual culprit it the rich dude that picked him out of a bunch of pictures. Why did he do that??? Just because the poor man trying to make a living accidentally spilled fish on him. This goes to show how evil and ruthless humans can be..... so sad. The police chief in the past along with some of the other officers know about the guy in prison being innocent but they do not want to piss off the higher ups because the actual culprit is a rich guy. The police chief tells LJH he will not give him a warrant to arrest the culprit unless he has concrete proof.
So i know this is not OCN because those ninjas will kill off a main character without batting a lash and keep showing them in the opening credits lmao. Alright they killed of the female lead in episode 6. If they catch the culprit in the past will her character come back to life?? Will it stop the guy from committing the crime in the future?

With the last four episodes, the cases were solved by the second ep. Like the case that started in ep1 and ep 3 were solved by ep 2 and 4. This time, they have practically solved the case but they just have to find concrete evidence to pin the guy. We are just hoping once they catch him in the past the female cop that died will be back ......fingers and toes crossed.

PS: the intro OST is so freaking beautiful and catchy.

