Haitai Sweet RedBean Jelly Bar


Alright... let me tell you about my little adventure to find this Bar. After seeing it in multiple dramas my curiosity got the best of me.... I then decided to go on a mission to find them and of course try 'em.

The last drama i saw this in was D-day and i had to have it. Alright...... so i made it my sole mission to find this mystery bars. I got in my car and headed to every Korean store in my city. Finally i found them at an +HMART  after i had raided the ramen isle... yes feel free to judge me ...lmao. They were sitting right on the 3 shelf from the bottom on the candy isle.

The price was just too good... 69c for a bar which i thought was just awesome. I was too excited to get home and try it. Welp my reaction when i took my first bite was kind of like hmmmmm so this is beans lmao. I will say this it is an acquired taste and is not for everyone. It is  a red bean jelly bar. Imagine sweet red bean taste with gelatin in it and a shit ton of sugar. You taste the chalkiness you get when you eat beans. Kind of feels like the beans were blended and diluted and sieved. That left over water is what was used to make the bar. 

It is an okay size but i couldn't finish one in one go.
I didn't quite take a liking to it because i didn't like  the amount of sugar in it. They make it look so good in the dramas. The texture was okay because i like beans but that sugar  just did not sit right with me. It was fun trying it. Now i can say i have tried the jelly bar they eat in kdramas. It is an interesting find and i encourage you to try more things. Things from all over the world especially foods. 

I wonder what next i'll find and eat next......

