Cheese in The Trap- What is Going On?

So my friend brought an article on to my attention and i really have to agree with them....."Cheese in The Trap" has gone to SHIT....
All of drama land had really high hopes for this drama including myself. It started off fantastic and then after episode 10 the bullshit started airing. Things started changing, focus shifted and shit in general made no sense but we still watch in hope. Although we did not read the webtoon and quite frankly don't plan on it because we don't have the patience lol we have an idea of where it. To a lot of people Jung's character seems like an abusive one but to me and my people his character is one we love and admire. I would so love a boyfriend that gets revenge for me like that is the ultimate bae. If someone wrongs me bish better watch out because my man is just as evil as i am if not worse lmao. The fact that he looks out for his girl gives me butterflies and i don't care how he does it because the people that wronged Sul did not give a silver fuck about how she felt or what she was going through when they decided to fuck with her. An eye for an eye and a toof for a toof......<3

Why tempt us with him just to cut out most of his scenes????

Here's my list of the crap my friend and i noticed...

  • Jung's back story was only explained in that scene where he was in the restaurant with sul and he opened up to her.
  • Jung screen time legit boiled down to just maybes 
  • All the focus of the drama shifted to In Ho (the second lead like wtf)
  • It seemed all In Ho's scenes were begging to tug on the sympathy of the viewer to favor him (fat chance)
  • In Ho suddenly confessing to Sul was awkward for my friend and i to watch. We both kept screaming and i quote "Nigga!!!!! For real? Your "best friend's girl"
  • The relationship between Sul and Jung started looking like brother and sister.
  • All of episodes 13 and 14 focused on what happened to In Ho...okay fine but what about our dear main character? The lead guy Jung? Clearly his character has major issues with his father and issues with In Ho and In Ha but that side was never clarified. Do they ever plan on fixing Jung and his father's issues?
  • The only happy characters are Sul's friends who are now dating (only saving grace kinda)
This all begs the question What The Fuck Happened? Why did the whole focus shift to In Ho? Why did Sul and Jung's character change? Will the ending be unfavorable to Park Have Jin in the fact that we mighT end up with a  Sul In Ho pairing???? I will be royally pissed of if that is how it ends.
One comment i read somewhere said "i ship In Ho with no one but a piano" and no true words have ever been uttered.

The accident in the preview for next week had most of us blinking hard and wondering if In Ha will be killed by Jung (lmao if you watched the preview in p14 you'll get what i mean). I even made a joke with my friend about how we need to wear black to watch the final 2 episodes in anticipation of the marking of In Ha.

Here is my perfect CITT ending......
  • Jung and Sul end up together and we get a nice kisses scene
  • Jung and his father resolve their issues
  • In Ho, In Ha and Jung make up
  • In Ha gets sent to a mad house because i know for sure she is mad and needs to be observed for a while
Simple ass ending... no complications Done.
