Oh My Venus Final Review

Have i really told you how much i love this drama? Have i???? If i haven't well then here you go ....I FUCKING LOVE IT. From the beginning to the very end.

Every single episode was entertaining and left me feeling something at the end and no matter what feeling it was ...i always anticipated the next episode. To make the perfect drama though in my book is to just have So Ji Sub staring at the camera for an hour or whatever ....as long as he's on tv I'm very very happy and satisfied.
This drama has the proper ingredients that make for the perfect drama.
  • The best OTP in drama land next to The Man From The Stars couple... chemistry for life yo...LIFE
  • The annoying yet lovable mother
  • The side bromance that makes you damn near want to explode
  • Evil grandma who's actually a sweetheart
  • Greedy thieving nonentity that isn't related but wants a share of the king's meal or all of it
  • The ex that will not go away
  • The former best friend that decided to turn evil because she thought the lead character took the guy she liked then they made up
  • The guardian angel (Chief Min) who we wanted to slap a couple of times then he wore that reflective multicolored suit and also participated in the festivities in the end and all was forgiven
  • The father that does not know how to show love to his child
  • The supportive best friend with the adorable kid
  • The perfect OST to boot
  • And last but not least the sprinkling of the extra characters.
One thing i didn't like about the drama.... we could have done very well without the story of the lead chick's ex and her former best friend's story...that part of the drama drained the life out of me ugh.

The ending was so perfect like i couldn't have asked for a better one. Definitely a must watch if you haven't seen it. Top ten Marathon worthy drama.... I'll miss "Daegu Venuseu"..... Annnnnyeong

PS: it is available at Viki and Dramafever.


  1. I love your list - from the 'Man From the Stars' couple to the crazy ex and frenemy girlfriend - LUV IT!!!! I am so sorry that this drama is over and hope there will be more lighthearted ones in the future for those who want a little fun, fever (or warm and erotic) and hope as opposed to a plate full of drama.

  2. i know right.... I'm hoping and praying hard for another drama like this if not better


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