D-day 17-18 recap

Omo......we are almost at the end. 2more episodes and it's auf wiedersehen (goodbye in German). Okay lets get into it shall we.................
Ep 17
  • So, the patient that tried to commit suicide in the last episode was a patient that HWJ abandoned when he was you know evil and shit.... working for that old bat Director park. He was in his early stages of liver cancer(the "ams" as i call it).
  • Ddol Mi's dad comes to seoul to see his kid, bring her clothes and help out. He came bearing gifts too in the form of makgeolli for everyone. He gets seriously injured while working.
  • LHS's brother is really interested in that nurse aaayyyyyyyeeeeee (totally ship) He leaves a picture of himself with his mom like he's running away for something. He knows that the fire chief is going through a hard time with the suicide mission he was presented with.
  • A little drink and everyone is feeling the love bug lol. Dae Girl confesses to the psychiatrist and they kiss aaaawwwww. Even HWJ and Nurse Park kiss too.
  • LHS is sad that HWJ is getting sick... ya what in the romancing is this.... I love it but it's heartbreaking at the same time. HWJ's sight is getting worse by the minute.
  • The snitch aka pig spy is doing his job. He tells Director Park he thinks there's something wrong with HWJ's eyes but is proof is that he couldn't pour a drink in a cup and grey haired dog doesn't believe him because you know it's not solid proof. He kinda fake tested HWJ and now he knows it's true. HWJ doesn't give his dumb ass a chance to fire him and leaves in the middle of the night to his mom's place. This bitch is still bent on kicking LHS mom out of the hospital.
  • The fire chief's daughter finally wakes up. All the firefighters agree to go with the chief on the suicide mission.
  • LHS has to pick between saving Ddol Mi's dad and a patient that is 2 seconds from dying.

 Ep 18

  • So the pig spy does the surgery on Ddol Mi's dad but he fucks up along the way and someone else has to step in and finish the surgery (they were sent by LHS) while LHS performs the surgery on the other guy.
  • Pig spy cries after he hears Dr. Kang talking about his inability to do anything and for freaking out during the surgery. He even had the guts to get an IV like bitch you did nothing ....NOTHING so go ahead and feel bad.πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›
  • Ddol Mi is mad at LHS for not making her dad priority even when he's shows concern. He then proceeds to faint because he has a high fever. She even requested to transfer her dad back to Busan. LHS try's talking to her but she's not hearing it. She found out about his brother's death and started regretting everything she said to him.πŸ˜ πŸ˜•πŸ˜
  • The fire chief goes on the suicide mission alone but his team members are at the surface waiting for him.
  • The Chairman gets transferred to another hospital and the bitch ass Director is still blaming LHS wtf is his deal yo?? The same bitch ass director says the money will come in handy so his brother's death makes no never mind.... the evil things i want to do to this bastard 
  • wow this bastard Ja Hyuk tries to cover up the fact that there could be some casualties in the suicide mission. While he's on his stupid ish..... LHS brother goes in to help the fire chief. So he gave his life up for the chief. He really doesn't give any fucks about the lives of the fire fighters or anyone as long as he gets what he wants... using the country as his excuse.
  • RIP Woo Sung ..... this is the saddest shit ever...im literarily crying.😒😒😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. He didn't die in vain though... the power has been restored in seoul and all the cellphones are working now. Everyone stuck at the hospital was able to contact their family.
  •  I cannot get over this dude's death... my heart is broken yo +JTBC Drama  fuck you very much. Dude did not need to die for anything. Like the drama could have ended perfectly with his still alive being with the woman he liked
  •  Ddol Mi couldn't bring herself to explain what happened to her father who by the way woke up after his surgery.

 Off to try and mend my aching heart ...lookout for the final review/ recapπŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜–πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”
