D-day 9-10 recap

Since it took freaking forever for episode 9 and 10 to get subbed but it's finally at an ok percent for me to understand whats going on.
So we ended episode 8 in the surgery room and the generator was on it's last leg....omo
HWJ asked LHS stop the surgery but as we all know LHS had to finish because of the type of person he is and he is basically fighting to save this man's life. But we have only 30 minutes before the power is completely off. The tension in the room is ridiculously thick. Yeah Yeah Yeah HWJ gave LHS a warning on how he pushed the surgery and is like he'll lend a hand since he promised but LHS has to remember that he pushed so hard for this surgery. Dude you're a doctor it's your job to save lives and not just give up because you think the person might not make it. 
Over on the other side of the hospital the volunteers are now helping the unconscious patient breathe manually because they learnt the AMBU procedure  before the power went out. 
Surgery is finally over and HWJ is dizzy and can't really see properly. So my guess was correct in the previous post that he is going blind and in fact he inherited this disease from his mother and eventually he'll lose sight in both eyes. As of this moment I don't know if anyone knows about it but him. I kind of want to feel sorry for him. For a person who's eventually going to be blind you'd think this muthafucker would live a nice life helping people so when he eventually looses his sight his karma would be nice smh.
The makeshift incubator for the twins gave out and the twins were starting to get cold. One of the nurses came in and one of them decided to pick up the babies open up your shirt and put one inside her shirt so she can warm up the baby with her body temperature. A doctor there saw what she did and picked up the other baby and put the baby on her chest too and they were able to bring up the babies temperature. Now the two babies will be okay but they had to leave the room to go help other patients with the babies strapped to their chests.
Fast forward a couple minutes later the twins father shows up with along with other fathers for men and they have fuel with them.
 This fuel was supposed to start the boat that will take them to another part of town where they can get better medical assistance but the mother of the twins says she won't leave because the nurses who are starved and barely have any sleep put their well being aside just to save their babies and even found a way to make her seaweed soup so because of that she won't leave them since they did that. She said she'll wait till gas comes to the hospital from the Congress and that the field they got should be put into the generator just to hold off the hospital till then. Since they held out all this time what's 2 more days....... Upon hearing this the other people who went out to fight for this gas or serious and they just want to leave so a fight erupted in the hospital because some people believe they should stay and help the hospital tell the main help arrives and others are being greedy and just want to feel and look up for their own families. After all the ruckus went on in the hospital and the supplies arrived, the twins and their parents left the hospital along with some other patients.
Without power in the hospital and all the nurses and doctors performing CPR in manually helping people they're losing patience left and right. While people are dying Dr Kang decides to have a breakdown saying it's all her fault ......bitch there are bigger things going on. ..imma need you to get it together.
Faced with a tough choice of saving his mother or his patient LWJ  told Ddol Mi to give the medicine. .... the only available shot to the patient and leave his mother. So basically he put his mother's life on the line to save his patient. This was a very hard decision because the patient  if he gets the shot  without electricity we would still die  but for his mom  even without electricity is a shot would save her .  I guess on some level  he trusted that the twins father would make the right decision and put the gas in the generator  and then some other level  I just think he's crazy . Ddol Mi on the other hand decided to give the drug to LWJ's mother and save her life. Luckily the twins father put the gas in the generator and the power came on so both patients are fine. LHS is thankful to Ddol Mi 😍😍😍😍😍. 
 The head of the dick heads heard that the twins father might put the gas in the generator as per the request of Dr kang... and he had a cow. He was so furious he is all about shutting down the hospital. Fuck him the power is on 💪💪💪💪. 
Patient min that LHS and HWJ  performed surgery on has acute kidney failure and uhmmmm yea things aren't looking good and dialysis can't be done. Which finally came in about a helicopter being able to get to Mirae Hospital so Dr Kang told Ddol Mi to prepare patient Min Jong to go to the rooftops of the helicopter could get him while she was on the walkie talkie HWJ heard her talking about the helicopter so he runs to the head of the dick heads and tells him a helicopter will be coming but they're going to use it on another patient instead of the minister mind you the Minister has regained consciousness. But these douchebags are just worried that the longer he stays there people start to recognize him and then rumors will start but the rumors will be true he's a cheating bastard who got caught in the earthquake with his girlfriend. 
Now they are scheming on how to get the minister out instead of the patient who is practically dying. Yoooo oooooooooo I'm so pissed off right now 😠😠😠😠😠😠 those bitches got the Minister on the helicopter and they stopped the elevator so LHS and his team wouldn't be able to get patient min up to the rooftop in time to get him on the helicopter. They literally had to carry the guy up the stairs. After the helicopter left LHS arrived with his team and the patient but the helicopter wasn't there it was leaving so he decided to confront the head of the dick heads and HWJ. He said if the patient dies HWJ would be held responsible for murder because what they did wasn't fair or ethical as a doctor because they're just trying to cover their asses and get notoriety and everything that comes along with covering up for a sneaky cheating stupid ugly fucking minister. All of this shit for 50 million won to advance the hospital SMFH ....wooooow fucking assholes. So basically place a ranking on people's lives.
Nurse Park gets news about the plane that's leaving from the fire department and that they can save three seats for patient min. As she's going to deliver the good news HWJ walks in and ask her why she can't ever be on his side. She replies she know the type of person he is and the type of person he has turned out to be and she begged him not to be come this week but apparently he's only looking out for his ass. He says he has his own situation well his situation and i say he can suck my nuts.
They are on their way to the airport when the ambulance gets stuck. Ddol Mi and LHS get out to push the car while Dae Gil and the other chick are inside manning the wheel and tending to patient min. They successfully pushed the car out of the hole but they're  both covered in mud.......omooooooo after cleaning Ddol Mi's face he kisses her 😍😍😍😍😍😙😙😙😙😙 excuse me while I compose myself 😂😂😂😂😂😂. The OST at this time is just jjang. 
While trying to convince the passengers for the last flight to give up one of their seats for patient min, the crowd disagrees and starts running for the plane in the process lots of people get hurt and it's up to the doctors there to help them. A lot of people get hurt and someone's hurt really bad and needs an x-ray. Dae Gil suggest the security scanners as a makeshift x-ray machine because the one available at the airport they're broke during the earthquake. They're able to get an xray and Ddol Mi is the one that has to save this patient while LHS is helping other patients. She successfully helped him and some people give up their seats so they're able to take the patients on the plane but Ddol Mi  is the doctor that's on the plane with a patients. So she's leaving 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
All the supplies are dwindling in the hospital,  the government aka Dr Kang's "BOYFRIEND" keeps lying that help is on the way and the head of the dickhead trio just wants to shut down the hospital. Like these 3 are getting on my last nerve. Sometimes it seems like Dr Kang doesn't want any part of their fuckery anymore and then sometimes she just seems like a slave, a pawn in the hands of the gray haired monster.
PS: what's his name? He's foine
Dr Kang starts announcing that the hospital is going to be closed just as LHS returns from the airport with the supplies that we're stuck on the way. She then tells him that the head of dick heads wants to shut down the hospital not because of the supplies and then he says it's not over until it's over the supplies are here and the hospital is going to stay open. So suck on these nuts gray haired monster. So yea like i said she's wishy washy.
He doesn't care about anyone and since the hospital has gotten the supplies if he told LHS to resign that his services are no longer needed. And that he should take his mother with him and we all know his mother is in an unstable state and he has nowhere else to go with her. LHS says he'll leave the hospital but the hospital should please take care of his mother until he can find a way to take her with him the gray haired dickhead says no you should have thought of that before you disobeyed my orders. Now you know I am highly vexed at this scene. Even his daughter tries to threaten him and he says no.
HWJ steps in as the nurses are prepping to remove LHS's mother from the room and he says she is under his care and she's not leaving. Im thinking hmmmm no thank you dude.... she's in this state because of you. But LHS is thankful. Nurse park saw everything and thanked him also but he doesn't want her to be grateful to him because of LHS....smh dud better take what you can get now.
Awwww he's missing Ddol Mi. So much that he called another nurse Ddol Mi lmao 😂😂😂😂😂😂
This bitch Dr Kang ...i knew i couldn't trust her ass for anything. LHS came back to the hospital to ask for supplies to help the crush victims and this shisty bitch finds a way to spin it so when he saves people the hospital will take credit and all the dickheads are loving this idea.....ugh. And just like a true asshole she didn't tell him. The gray haired monster is all for helping outside the hospital just so he can milk extra money from the government while on the other side Dr Kang's husband is doing everything for a photo op and gaining the trust of the people. Plot twist Dr Kang's child isn't the minister's kid.......daebak.
 Bonus: the relationship between LHS and this nurse is so cute.... she calls him "brother" lmao. Bromance alert too between Dae Gil and LHS.

 >>>>>See you in the next one
