D-day 7-8 recap

So in the last episode we left off where LHS was laying on the floor clutching the bag filled with blood and coagulants after he was just hit and robbed.
In this week's episodes,
As LHS is laying on the floor he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a whistle. This is the whistle that the girl gave him so he blew into it and the fat f*** that stole his bike came back because he recognize the sound from the whistle. Everyone at the hospital is giving blood because they have actually run out of blood. The guy did come back to apologize to LHS for what he did and LHS in turn thanked him for the opportunity to sleep without worry and for bringing him safely to back to the hospital. Dude is reunited with his daughter.
The dickhead trio are at it again their main focus now is to get rid of people because the hospital generator is about to give out . So I'm guessing they want to keep the most important people and get rid of like the people that don't really have power. In the words of the head of the dick head trail it's better to throw out something that doesn't help us now.
Lmao so LHS had to get stitches and Ddol Mi what's the person doing it. He was sleeping and she was admiring his body well you know his body is a work of art so yeah I'm not mad at her one bit.....lol.  she started touching his six pack and he woke up. She was shocked and ran away then he yelled aren't you going to stitch me up after touching me like that...if you don't I'm filing a sexuals harassment suit against you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Ddol Mi was really upset when LHS was brought back to the hospital unconscious.
He sneezed on her...i would have ninja kicked his ass 
The minister wants the hospital to be used as a base for the firefighters  but the leader of the dickhead trio  is against it .  He made the woman in the dick head trail the head of disaster measures in the hospital and being that she is the wife of the minister  she agreed to have the hospital be a base for them.  No the gray haired thick head isn't happy about this  but he was threatened by the Minister  that if he doesn't allow it  the VIP patient will be moved to a different hospital. Well you can guess how quickly he changed his mind. Wow corruption at its best. The news and everyone is at the hospital so all smiles and best looks for the camera smh.
I don't understand why is a dickhead trio are worried about the hospital like all of Seoul is in shambles. Everywhere is just rubble and is a disaster zone so any little thing they do at the hospital would be good for them I don't know why they're worried about the image they should be worrying about saving people and not the image of the hospital at the end of the day. Because of anything that hospital could collapse at any moment then what would they do?
So Ddol MI finally cleared up the confusion of DG liking her and she knows who sent her the food earlier 😂😂😂 her finding out was just comedy. It's looking like there'll be romance in this drama between Ddol Mi and LHS.....i soon support this 100%.
LHS keeps having some messed up dreams about all the awful things he has witnessed. Like can we get his story soon.....chaebal 🙏
Dr Kang good news from a firefighter about a boy that died somewhere in the supermarket where she had lost her son and he showed her the picture she thought it was her son but when she saw she was relieved that wasn't so that means there's hope for her. But in order for her to guarantee that she might see her son again she cannot close down the hospital like the director wants them to. So the head firefighter ask her if they saved people can they bring them to her hospital... She allows it because she hopes they will rescue her son and bring him to the hospital. 
The hospital's generator will only last half a day, the oil tankers that were on the way tipped over because of the bad roads...now the plan is to open the roads up to get fuel to the hospital while the firemen save people....LHS patient has a hemorrhage and he had to perform surgery on him .... while that was going on, there was an aftershock and it burst the water pipes and the water flowing has shut down one of the generators.... so everyone is hauling ass getting ready for when the power shuts off. LHS is injured and asks for HWJ's help, he shows up and blabs on some bullshit as always but eventually helps him.
On the other side at the request of the head of the dickheads. the security dude was closing off the entrance to the hospital and the firemen were on their way. Dr HJR was there to kinda stop him but dude only cares about who cuts his paycheck. The firemen showed up and saved the day yaaaasssssssssss.
Director Park the head of the dickheads is a bastard for real. His character is the greediest on I've ever seen.  all he cares about is getting good with the higher ups. The minister is a week now so he cooks up a lie saying that the Minister got into an accident alone just to save face while the actual truth is that got into an accident while he was with his girlfriend. The minister being the fool that he is matches his story with the dickhead leader. Did they just happen to forget that everything was on the news????And every one knows who performed the surgery and shit???? The rescuers too know he was not alone in that car....im just hoping it will come back to bite him in the ass.
Side note this guy is supper annoying and irritating the hell out of me. Like how can you be a resident and a douche bag at the same time ugh
Now everything is shut down Hospital is in turmoil right now and we really don't know what's going to happen next week. Mean while this guy and his crippled son are still waiting to be rescued...they are related to the grey haired director.

