D-Day 5-6 recap

what a fucking asshole..... why is this damn hospital filled with such dickheads and idiots???
the dickhead trio
Im writing this with the assumption that you have already seen the episodes and are here to vent with me....
In the time of such a horrible event being cautious is out the window. All that matters now is that you save lives and stop trying to save people that you think might make a way for you in the future. The greedy ones usually end up with nothing and the ones who worked with their heart and soul get the last laugh. That being said i officially hate sexy doc aka Han Woo Jin.....lol okay not really.
Sexy finally recognizes Ddol Mi because he saved her when she was in the eleventh grade. She was in a car accident and he performed surgery on her. She questioned him though "if he was the doctor she knew back then".... the one that performed surgery on her when without anesthesia.... then he gave this shpeel on how the patients cannot be trusted blah blah blah
OMG how many times did i yell shut the fuck up and go away when sexy (HWJ) was talking???? LMAO i knew i was going to hate him with his classist and selective ass. Interrupting the damn surgery like bitch you were so ready to throw dude away but all of a sudden you want to walk into the surgery room like you are the boss.... if you don't fuck all the way off yo...... Thanks to uri lead guy performing surgery with out blood transfusion in under an hour...what that's that will to save a life. It is daring but damn it's better to try than to just abandon the person come what may. If something had gone wrong i swear i would have drop kicked his ass and fucked him up because he was un invited and being noisy distracting the surgeon. Then after the surgery he wants to caution Dr Lee Have Song (lead dude)....shid exit please.
Nurse Park: Get this... Nurse Park Ji Na (God's Quiz chick) is the daughter of the asshole director Park Keon. Aish wae jincha waaaaeeeeeee???? Ahhhhh okay so HWJ was in charge of LHS mother's surgery and inadvertently caused the medical malpractice. Nurse Park and her dad knew but in order to keep LHS from seeing the hospital and embarrassing their top cancer surgeon's reputation... something happened. She was also dating HWJ but broke up with him because of the malpractice thing. He on the other hand isn't over her and says he never broke up on his part.
Dae Gil: The person that LHS performed surgery on is Dae Gil's friend. Right before e DG got into medical school, he committed a crime and because his family is rich and the other guy's is poor they made the poor dude out to be the criminal and basically ruined his future. He became a convict... DG's father promised to lawyer up the poor dude and pay him off but never did. DG feels guilty about what happened as he should and is taking responsibility for dude now. Im his words "he foolishly believed his dad's words". PS: The nurse is foine as hell.
Side note and a little comedy...Ddol mi thinks Dae Gil likes her lol. Their interaction is just funny. After she chewed him out for freezing up when she asked him to help her with a procedure... he got mad and left the hospital then came back after he saw what mess the city was in.... then he got a one up on her when he knew the textbook answer to a question LHS asked and she didn't know it lol. LHS gave Dae Gil some food for him and Ddol Mi.... DG goes and offers his portion and her to Ddol Mi so she thinks he likes her because he just gave her all this to eat when intact he just doesn't like the food and is pawning it off on her.
 This alum as you know by now is one of the dickhead trio. Well her son is missing... he jumped out of the car when he dropped his toy... voila he's missing. As of the end of episode 5 he's still missing. His mom asks the fire fighters if they could look out for him. Dude below that is her husband. Im not sure of his role yet but he works in the government and is one of the people shouting orders and stuff. He looks like he will be very important soon.
So he's Goo Joo Hyak who wants to rebuild Seoul again. He's a minister.
Lmao Ddol Mi got mad at LHS because he got on her case for sleeping and for not being able t answer his question in front of Dae Gil and she thinks he didn't feed her when in fact he sent her food. She was saving food for LHS awwwwwwww... then she tells him DG likes her and he's trying hard to hold his laughter.
They are running low on everything and the food is shitty... but the nurses are worried about the twins mother because she hasn't had any seaweed soup so she can produce milk for the babies and also heal herself. DG hears the nurses and doctors talking then he goes to his can and gets is camping gear with some "ottogi" brand freeze dried seaweed soup and sets it up for her so she can eat and she is grateful and crying too because in her words "in a place where there isn't anything to eat, i don't know if i deserve this kindness"...
I have tried this and it is wonderfully good
OO this guy knows how to make you hate a character to death. HWJ looks at the chart of the person LHS performed surgery on and saw that his platelets were really low and said nothing ...then he went to the ICU where the rich important government official that can help his career is , looks at his charts and the platelets are low too... he then sends for all the available platelets in the hospital to save this man instead of the other. This ass then says to LHS "your patient is going to die anyways". Like he is a major asshole.
LHS rode on his bike to go get blood from the blood bank. Before he left his people told him not to stop for anything... captain save a ho got into an accident and hurt himself. After getting the blood, he stopped in front of the old hospital he was in that collapsed with 2 men in it. They died but his conscience was eating at him because he feels responsible for their death. He stopped and while he was trying to pull through the debris, someone hit him at he back and stole his bike..... now we are in limbo....ugh why does he have to be Dr do right in this situation.....No bike, Container full of blood and coagulants .....ETTOKHAJI

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>See you in the next one<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
