D-day 11-12 Recap

So as per usual, the subs took forever plus i had some work to get done before i could get into this post....... the last one was kinda major OD.....if ya know what i mean.
Remember the old man and the crippled boy that were stuck under that spa????? Yea the rescuers were right there but couldn't hear the old man screaming... like how they survived that long is fascinating.Any who the old man was able to pull some metal to make some noise so the rescuers would hear him and they did. Then they proceeded to save him by sending Dae Gil and LHS down the hole.
LHS though isn't doing good under the circumstances because he keeps remembering the two men that died in the old hospital that collapsed..... shit balls my dude starts having a straight up panic attack.... then he starts hallucinating a and see's Ddol Mi disciplining him. Guess she's his courage because he goes back inside the hole to help the kid and a jussi. They both remember him from when he was nice to them in the hospital. I must say the little boy talks like some old dude with mad wisdom ugh lol.
Lil boy asks LHS to hold his hand and tells him it will be alright and LHS say i'll definitely save you ... don't worry. After they rescue the old man, as they are pulling the little boy out, the aftershock messes shit up and i swear i thought the boy was going to die under there but then they show a piece of glass in his neck. LHS is shaking and can't think and everyone is reporting something wrong with the boy and just like that Ddol Mi appears ...lol she's back from Busan and she helps save the boy.
On the other side, Dr Kang got news about her son and hauled ass out of that hospital without looking back. Girl when i tell you this woman ran all the way to the other hospital looking for her son....shit. She found her son and he's alive but on some level i feel like her boyfriend "the congress man" doesn't really care about her son and is all about his position and moving up.
Since LHS can't enter the hospital...the head of the dickheads did not want to allow any more patients in , so the old man gets on the walkie talkie since he is i guess on the board of the hospital and is also the in-law of the gray haired idiot.... he sys since there are no doctors available to do the surgery he is rehiring LHS and that they should open the "GAWT DAMN SURGERY ROOM". LMAO okay he didn't say it that way but damn it the idiot has opened everything . It's funny anytime they try to get rid of LHS he comes back in a cool way bwahahahahahahaha
Anything to shine yo.... Like a true bitchly bitch, HWJ walks into the theater where the surgery is about to go down and starts talking shit as per usual and at this point I'm screaming all types of obscenities like get the fuck out bitch, you're not wanted here. Why are you still talking... you know my good insults lol.
Before the surgery started the 2 idiots that were supposed to assist ran away because they did not want to jeopardize their residency. So in there was Ddol Mi, Da Gil and some other nurse. As HWJ was talking shit, the stupid nurse there did not want to help so Nurse park came in and told the retarded nurse to switch with her and that every GAWT DAMN PERSON WHO ISNT NEEDED THERE NEEDS TO EVAPORATE. When she walked in HWJ was like why are you here and she said "BECAUSE I AM ON LHS MUTHA FUCKING TEAM". And he walks out .....Yaaaaassssssss.
the idiots
WOW i can't fucking breathe right no...this bitch HWJ walks out and tells the boy's parents that they should have made him comfy for death, that its a miracle he came to the hospital alive and the surgery was hopeless.....ooooooo i hate this fucking idiot i swear i do (fantastic actor i must say). The boy's father has faith in LHS but you know the dick head is right beside him saying LHS is reckless and she shouldn't have brought him back.
I just love how determined LHS is to saving people's lives and man is he going in on this kid. He's even doing surgery in parts he has never touched before. Heart surgery .... Idol Mi is against it because it's not there area of expertise but you know ...he gats to save the little boy. And it's bloody as hell and the kid flatlines ... RIP kid and the bastard dickhead is right there to blame LHS for everything.  Like i cannot deal. No wonder it took me forever to get to these two episodes. The kid did have a host of things wrong with him and he had muscle disease. He was going to die either way and he knew it too. This is LHS's first table death and he's not taking it well... Ddol Mi comes in and drops some nice words on him. "if you could save everyone you'd be a God not a doctor" and she's right.
My heart... she wanted to comfort him (all of us wanted her to) but he kicked her smoove out of the room. Good thing he did because she was out the door in time to stop HWJ from going in to talk shit. She eventually gets some time with him but he's not responding.
The fire chief's daughter was caught in the earthquake and she had one leg amputated. The mother was blaming the father (fire chief) because he didn't look for them...well bitch you two fought and you left to go to your family's house....shit i thought she was with her kids too. SMFH she came back to Seoul for a freaking concert hmmmmmmm I'm so done... now look at her. He transferred her to Mirae hospital because he knew LHS was there but because of the table death, he isn't taking any patients. The fire chief knows he did all he could do for the boy but at this point LHS has lost all hope.
So the idiots and practically the whole hospital knows that Nurse Park is Dickhead's daughter. They were yelling at her at first then they heard about her status and returned to polish her ass with their lips.
So HWJ didn't know Nurse Park was Director Park's daughter. Well now he knows and pulled her to the side to ask her if she saw her father in him...and she said yes. Sit we all see them in each other. She said she knows what decision ambitious men make. Key word"AMBITIOUS"... the father abandoned her mother when she was depressed and committed suicide because he was worried about his reputation. And she doesn't want to be abandoned again. She got slapped by her father for laying the truth out to him and for defending LHS .
Just FYI I'm shipping Dae Gil and So Yul i think that's her name. I hope they develop their story....you hear me +JTBC Drama
The dickhead is on the sideline interviewing nurses and shit  trying to get sister (the nurse that's close to LHS to give him the reason why he couldn't save the boy at the scene and why Ddol  Mi did it and the bitch spills over chocolate....OVER FUCKING CHOCOLATE I AM LIVID AT THIS POINT OMG He then gets the mother of the dead boy to sign papers to fire LHS and suspend his license. Like what does this idiot have against LHS......WHAT EXACTLY??
Lets take a moment for the dearly departed little boy.
Now HWJ is in charge of the DMAT bs. He's going blind though.... we'll see how this goes in episodes 13 and 14.
 LHS was about to leave and ride off into the sunrise lol...... but Ddol Mi was there to stop him. We got a back hug and a regular hug. They are go freaking cute together. I cannot wait for ep 13 and 14 to be subbed because the previews looked hella good.

 >>>>>>See you in the next one...Annyeong <<<<<<<
