All About My Mom 1-14

Eugene is back y'all.... i waited till we covered some ground in this drama to write this review/ recap since it is a 50 episode drama. And at this point i feel you are ready for the recap and my nicely worded opinion on the drama lol
As of episode 14, we all hate the mother so damn much. Eugene's mother to be exact. Okay not exactly hat but she has some major issues and she's nosey as hell and her character plays favorite when it comes to her children. She forgives the first son who is the second child and is willing to do anything for him as opposed to the daughter who can't seem to do anything right in the eyes of her mother. Any time she tries to help her family the mother finds a way to make her regret what she did and make her look and feel bad. 
Jin Ae has a love and hate relationship with her mother San Ok. She dreams of becoming independent from her family and especially from her mother. Jin Ae falls in love with Hoon Jae and marries him. Meanwhile, what awaits for Jin Ae is her new mother-in-law. While experiencing difficult times with her mother-in-law, Jin Ae begins to understand her mother San Ok for the first time.
Eugene's character works for a clothing company and she totally adores and respects the boss. She looks up to her and is a big fan. The relationship between her and her mom is strained. She meets Hoon Jae who is the son of her boss and she doesn't know it. They met because there was a burst pipe at the factory and he came to help her fix it temporarily. Since then they started running into each other. Hence they became friends. Things lead to things and he ends up saving he read from some thugs blah blah blah..... fast forward he needs a place to stay and Jin Ae's (Eugene) dad offers him a room in their house now he lives with them. They obviously like each other and by the synopsis they will end up together. So far Jin Ae is the secretary of Hoon Jae's mom and they work well together ....guess things will be different when they become in laws. Hoon Jae believes his father is dead according to what his mother told him since he was younger. Little does he know that the man he will now be working for, the same person his mother forbade him to work for is his father and both men do not know. HJ's mother is very uneasy about him working for this guy. When he finds out though ....ooooo it will be oh so good.
This is Hyeong Gyu and he is the younger brother of Jin Ae. He is the one that the mom would rather loose her knee than to see suffer. She would give up everything for him. He is a lawyer and got into a fight with one of his partners/ former friend who looked down on him. Well he almost got away with the "friend's" finance if his mom did not get involved which ended up in him leaving the firm and he is currently starting his own law firm...... Goodluck buddy. The lady is his new assistant and she is super ditzy... loosing things and causing problems for HG but I'm guessing she is his love interest. She has a son that helps her behind the scenes.... cute little thing.

 This cutie is Jin Ae's youngest brother. He can't seem to get a job to save his life... so he goes on arranged dates for his friends and they pay him. This sone date he went on, the girl just wouldn't let go since she fell for him at first sight. His name is Hyeong Soon. He finally gets a job as the chauffeur   of the girl's father and she doesn't know. She thinks he is the son of a very important man and he himself is a surgeon. He keeps trying to break up with her and fails overtime. He keeps saying tomorrow i will and tomorrow turns into tomorrow and so on and so forth because he has fallen for her.
 The whole family is just mmmm....Their mother runs a bantam shop and their father is just a debt stacker. Jin Ae has spent most of her life paying off her dad's debt and she loves her dad dearly. They all live in a small house and get along the best they can with the very often fights that go on. So far so good... it is a weekend drama and the pace is not bad.

I just want to see how the relationship between Jin Ae and her mother will get resolved. Hopefully they'll end up on good terms like the synopsis suggests.
