Scarlette Innocence Review

I love Jung Woo Sung but this movie lord this movie.....
was complete shit. I really don't understand how JWS got roped into this mess of a movie. I saw it with my friends and uhmmm yea please don't watch it unless you are looking for some soft core porn then watch the first 20 minutes.
When i read the synopsis it said the movie was about revenge and we were like okay this should be good because you know it's Jung Woo Sung. The sexiest 6'1 ajussi in the K-world (ps he's one of my baby daddys lol). The whole revenge thing turned out to be a bust and it made absolutely no sense. I was so mad at the end of the movie that i wanted the time i put in it back.
this was my face the whole time watching this POS movie 
The woman's revenge was stupid because she fell in love with a guy she knew had a wife and a kid and when he tried to end it she turned mad and clingy and just straight stupid. Like is it his fault his "D" is addictive???? Come on...she was at fault and then she wanted revenge when she was the one that practically offered herself up for the affair. Then his daughter wanted revenge the whole thing was a huge mess...Ugh i'm still mad lol.

Just don't waste your time on this really isn't worth it.... Annyeong
