Last (2015) - RIP Ryu Ajussi

Wow i knew you'd kill off most of the characters because i half assed expected it but why did you have to do Ryu ahjussi aka #2 like that huh +JTBC Drama huh huh huh????
He was a  badass... and last minute y'all turned out his lights. Why do i have this haunting feeling that this drama will end like Cruel City did? Every gat damn person died except the chick.  As a good girl i'll just prepare my heart for that type of ending like i said in my first post about this drama.
He had this swagalicious swag about him. He was just so sexy and dark...i mean we will not talk about the weave y'all glued around his lips and chin but it did add to his character's hotness. This character was likeable and we were hoping for a romance between him and the bar madame.
Ryu Ahjussi fought #1 Lee Beom Soo's character. Like this fight was too intense and i held my breath the whole time and was screaming....especially when Ryu fell and hit the back of his head on a big ass brick...Who put that there? The fight continued but he lost to #1 and ended up in the neighborhood clinic. Every character in the drama was saddened by his death.
I cried when he died well i she a thug tear. You didn't have to do him like that JTBC. He could have had a nice sweet ending with the woman he loved and his daughter...but no you had to kill him off. Tis so sad yo. I shall miss your character ...RIP Ryu Ahjussi #2 at least you made it to the end of episode 14.

This beautiful song played at the end of ep 13 and 14 was just fitting.It's called 론리데이 (Lonely Day) by Tae Won.... enjoy.

