Asian Music Summer 2015 Playlist

These songs just happened to be played over and over and over again on my ipod lol. Each song has it's charm and you can't help but bum to each one.

Sistar- Shake it
BigBang- Bang Bang Bang
Nine Muses- Hurt Locker
Girl's Generation- Party
Super Junior- Good Love
Coffee boy- City Man
T-ara- So Good
So Ji Sub- So Ganzi

These 3 below are Vietnamese songs that i found when i was in youtube (you know how that happens). All three songs are by Ho Quang Hieu. I recommend searching Vietnamese remix on the youtubes lol and dance away.
Tup u Ly Tuong
Chuyen Tinh Nang Trinh Nu Ten Thi 
Khong Cam Xuc
