My Love Eun Dong 5-8

Omona saesangi..... don't you just love it when your predictions come true???? Well i do because the feeling is fantastically satisfying.

When he say things like "i read your heart" or "i know what you are thinking" it kills me slowly because you can actually feel all his freaking emotions.... Ugh love him to bits.

I'll try to keep this short and sweet...emphasis on try. This is more of my opinion of how the drama is playing out and how i feel about the characters. And so far I'm loving it but the cliff hangers are just pure torture. Some viewers got it right when the said they'd wait to marathon it when it's over. I should have done

By now, everyone knows who EunDong is except PHS's parents. Even his sister knows now because that thirsty heifer told her. But it seems the sister wants to help the crippled lying ass husband to keep Eun Dong and she damn well knows how much her brother has suffered waiting for the chick to come back into his life. Now he's found her, his dumb ass sister wants to help the thirsty hoe???? Okay i will not jump to conclusions... because she may just want him to get well quick so ED can leave his lying ass cold.
I knew i didn't like her for a reason. All the dramas i've seen her in ...not once have i liked her character
On to merry things.... PHS told ED everything about how they were together and loved each other( wink wink) for days and how they went on trips too. It was a very emotional thing because you could actually feel his frustration. She is trying to piece back her memory but at the same time PHS is needs to get some..pali. According to him " he hasn't touched any woman since they were together". Lawd Jesus in heaven JJM is one of the best Korean actors in my book.
Side and irrelevant note, the crippled husband is getting better ugh. PHS's sister made up with their parents thanks to him. They had been estranged because she got married to a dying man and got pregnant before he died. So now she has a baby girl but they were living la vida since she's a chiropractor or some ish.
 Her parents are lying pieces of shit floating in a river of bullcrap. Just the scum of the earth...ED keeps prodding  her "mom" to tell her about the accident but the idiot tells ED to just live the way things are. What mother would want her child to be unhappy??? Oh yea... she didn't give birth to her and is only using her to get money from the crippled fool.

 See you in the next one....
