Hyde, Jekyll, Me Review

This is a more detailed rant from what i posted on this drama's page on MDL... << click for direct link.
Okay i get the actors can't really be blamed for the bullshit writing we had to suffer through but the entire drama was a complete waste of time and i really want it back. I saw when a man loves and this drama is in strong competition with it for the worst drama ever. I should have seen the signs especially when the show had that horrendous gorilla scene. Everyone around me said that scene was a joke and i should have listened to them for real. That scene was so ridiculous
Then she started playing with the damn thing because it supposedly remembers her from their childhood. Pure ridiculousness. That was the clearest sign ever. Then after a couple episodes you have the other personality that is jealous of the main character not realizing that he basically is a made up thing. 

JUST DON'T DO IT. First of all they made the very big mistake of airing this along side Kill Me, Heal Me (brilliant drama btw). Secondly the writing made absolutely no sense what to ever. 85% of the drama was spent chasing a freaking criminal that could have been caught by ep 4 then you factor in the very annoying a female lead that pisses you off with every move she makes. then the other 15% was just pure bullshitry for the lack of a better word.

The drama was doomed to fail from the beginning. As it progressed the episodes got harder and harder to sit through and by episode 15 i was at my wits end with it. The 2 characters being played by Hyun Bin were annoying too. I don't think there was a likable character in this drama.  The whole DID thing made no sense and no one knew where they wanted to take this drama. All they know is that they had something to fill the time slot and waste our time.

The acting made me want shed tears. It was that horrible ugh.
writing= 0
acting = -2
characters= -10

The OST "Because of You" by Baek Ji Young was the only good thing to come out of the drama. Every single character was 100% annoying. Final thought is that this is yet another drama that was a complete waste of time....And im a fan or Hyun Bin but they really fuck his reputation with this piece of crap drama. He needs to have a long ass conversation with his manager or whoever gives him shitty scripts.
