Legendary Witch Recap 37&38

Things got better this weekend and then it was very annoying to the point that i considered not watching these 2 and just waiting for the final 2 episodes. Let get into it

 Do Jin's mom has finally accepted her grandchild and daughter-in-law. She made this off joke about how if Mi Oh couldn't feed her husband how did she expect to feed her mother-in-law... blah blah blah it took us all by surprise because we didn't expect her to accept them so soon. I was thinking the final episode. But she did and she also hugged her grand baby. They even went to lunch and she bout them kogi....they haven't had that in forever lmao.
NMS confronted Do Hyun because he kept trying to keep SI by his side...wile he was doing that Ma Tae San was plotting on how he would frame NWS for the slush fund he created...evil ass man. He better not die and end up in prison for real for real SMH.
This heaux Ma Joo Ran went to the bakery to tell them that SI spent the night with Do Hyun (scroll down for the info on this news) basically she's playing messenger for her sister who's still plotting to get back with NWS. She got there while the women were celebrating their success when Joo Ran walked it and spilled her bullshit. The women ripped her a new one but Bok Nyeo was mad at SI. When she got mad, Yeong Ok gave her a piece of her mind because BN promised SI she would support whatever she decided because wither way she was her daughter and at the drop of the news that they spent the night together she got mad.
 Do Hyun went to the bakery to see SI but she wasn't there. He waited with the women and after he introduced himself they told him they were family of SI. He got mad and said he didn't like the fact that they were claiming to be her family that she had him nd her in laws. Pung Geum ripped him a totally new ass. She went in on him and i practically hi 5'd my computer. She asked him if he were in her shoes would he go back to the family that humiliated her and put her in jail for 2years on trumped up charges...would he accept them??? SI returned and he dragged her out of the store. Where he told her he wanted her to move back in with him and his family. She said no and as she was about to leave h saw the ring WS gave her around her neck. He was livid....screaming i thought i told you to get rid of the ring...she walked away and as she was getting to the store she saw WS and she started crying. WS hugged her and Do Hyun saw them from the distance....i screamed and was clapping like a child like yes bitch your ass is so irrelevant at this point the only thing you can do is to threaten her.
There was an inaugural party for Do Hyun at the company and he practically threatened SI to go with him. While there she saw NWS and she did look happy with DH. NWS left because he couldn't stand seeing the both of them. A after he left SI took to drinking to be able to stand being there. Joo Hee went over to her and said she would get back with WS and SI replied "you really think he will get back with you if i go back to DH??? Your father killed his dad and sent his mom to prison on false charges. Ma Joo Hee is one ugly chick ugh
Joo Hee got mad and started yelling you don't know what you are talking about. My father didn't do that blah blah blah. SI then said you might want to keep your voice down because everyone's watching. Then SI got drunk. While DH was taking her home she in her drunken stupor said I'm sorry WS...and this drove DH mad. He told the driver to turn the car around and the them back to the hotel.  But nothing happened between them. She slept while he pondered. When she woke up she was upset because he did not take her home and he yelled you are my wife. She told him he was becoming like his father and that she would not give him a chance anymore and left.
After spending that night together, Pung Geum found out she was pregnant and confronted Tak ki Sa..he proposed to her with an expensive ring this time...lol. She accepted but was angry because they have a baby on the way and cannot raise him in a freaking hostel. She then sold the ring to Yeong Ok and they went to take wedding pictures...Yeong Ok being the nosey biddy she is caught them and felt bad for them kinda lmao. She married them and gave back the ring lol.
Ma Tae San tried to be sneaky and kinda thought he could guilt trip Do Jin's mom into coming back to him but he failed stupidly. She is still a Hundred percent gunning for his life and position. This man does not have a chance in the coolest part of hell.
While WS was being interrogated SI went to beg DH to help and top the false charges. This was right after she went to the office and totally yelled at Ma Tae San and said if you are behind this i will not forgive you because it is the same thing you did to me.....that rat bastard. DH was so heart broken when she got on her knees and said will you come back to me if i help??? And she said yes as long as WS is okay and free i will d anything....right there he realized that she really loved WS and he could do diddly about the whole situation.
Later, Bok Nyeo and SI made up. BK apologized for being a bitch when she found out that she spent the night with DH in the hotel. This was so sweet.
After the Ma family got a call about DH turning himself in, Ma Tae San kids fainted smh....he needs to rot in a nice cell with big men. So it looks like Ma Do Hyun will die or will definitely end back up in the hospital because at the end of ep 38, he fainted after doing what he thinks is the right thing...dumbass. He's taking the fall for his dad. He took the proof of the false accusation his dad was trying to plant on NWS and said he did it. Went to the prosecutors office and turned himself in.

One more thing, MJH told her company bakery to copy the recipe that is making SI's company famous and release it in order to destroy SI's bakery. In the preview for this coming weekend, all the women from SI's bakery march to Shinhwa group to confront the ugly ass MJH......this i cannot wait for lol.

The whole thing was all over the news that he was the person who did it and Soo In being the idiot that she is is feeling guilty.  In the preview for next week she breaks up with NWSand i hope they get back together or else this whole drama will be shit and i will want my money back.....
I just want MTS to end up in jail, DH to be brain dead or something, MJH to be salty and bitter and MJR to be dirt broke.
for now ANNNYEONG.
