Legendary Witch Finale

I finally sat my behind somewhere to finish this.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha i feel like in the end i was the actual witch....lol. It seems like the drama gads heard my words and felt my frustration and everything worked out as planned. Oh yes consequences were faces, revenge served nice and cold ...And what else can i say All Is Well in The World.....PS....there's some cursing in this review lol
Ahhhhhh eyes the drama gawds heard our cried and got rid of this Ma Do Jin character once and for all. He finally died.....yes indeedy he did. I really don't get why they had to wake his character up up hey as long as he didn't make it to the end in gucci. Before he croaked he did the right thing and tried to take responsibility for the wrongs his father did. He also sent a copy of the proof of his father's bs to NWS. On his death bed he while he was talking to SI, yes her flip flopping ass was in the hospital by his side right before he died.... he had flash backs of how he met SI and all that nonsense that i could care about because I'm #teamNWS duh.
His father cried and everyone was at the funeral but leave it to that long useless MJR blamed SI for the death of her brother. SMH bitch we all knew that man was going to die.... you are lucky he lived long enough to say high to all of your messed up asses. I swear the guts every single person in the Ma family had was just fascinating.
Right after the funeral NWS tried to comfort SI and what does this simple chick do????? She breaks up with him. Now imagine how mad i was at this point. I was mad at the writers. the actors, the TV even the remote damn it....I WAS HEATED. I guess they were just preparing me for the nice ending. She freaking broke up with him and we were all devastated ugh.
This one Ma Do Hyun's mother gained her senses for a little bit enough to accuse MTS of killing her son. He did kinda sorta kill his son....SMH
Takisa and pung geum's relationship got found out by the jealous landlady lol... she mad or awwww. She kicked them out claiming her hostel was for studying student only. They decided to g beg Bok Nyeo and NWS's father in law to stay with them. Full ass house if you ask me. Every gat damn body is living there.
In trying to make things right, Do jinks mom asked them to move in because she missed her grand son and wants to see him every day lol. She tried i have to give her that. Everyone was shocked tooo... dis mio the witch herself  came to ask Mi Oh to move in..... shit balls it was truly shocking. In the hopes of an all round happy ending this was bound to happen.
After finding out about the copy of their product by Shinhwa group, the women of Magic Bakery marched to shinhwa and raised as much hell as their little voices could carry. There was a news crew outside the company trying to cover the arrest of Ma Tae San when the ladies got their attention and spilled everything about how shinhwa copied their idea and is trying to put them out of business. They had their receipts ....shit balls that ugly bitch MJH didn't think her shit through with her simple ass mind.
She was mad as hell when she found out they knew what was going on. Ooogly ass can't ever get the man ass heaux.. ooh she tried it in this drama. She was more annoying than she was in The best lee soon shin. 
NWS gave SI both rings and told her he'd wait for her. And when she was ready to come back to him she should put the ring on his finger. Then he left. She was devastated but i didn't feel sorry for her at this point because she did put him through shit and i was still mad at her.
Yes gawd Ma Tae San was arrested and this time nothing could save his ass not even his money. NWS made sure he turned all the proof that he had about MTS killing his father, stealing the bakery and also falsely imprisoning the SI and Bok Nyeo. Soo In was also called in to testify against the old hag. This is just one of the marvelous happenings that took place in the last two episodes.
The story of how shinhwa copied Magic Bakery's bread got in the papers and they got positive feedback from it. In the next episode boy were we in for a treat.
Sooooo, MJH apologized for what she did.... hum gag bitch bye with your shady excuse for an apology. And she resigned. Till her end this bitch was holding on to the hope that she would end up with NWS. He turned her ass down quicker than the words came out of her mouth. MJR got arrested for her dealings with the criminals that she paid to steal SI's truck, and also ruin their business. She was charged with a lot and the women of Magic Bakery had not a sliver of sympathy for her lmao.
Her ass ended up in prison and she got the royal treatment. Even then she kept saying i am the first daughter of shinhwa and i contributed to the women's blah blah blah...like that was going to save her from the daily doses of ass whooping. 
So while in prison, his wife and ex wife came to visit him and he seemed shameful. But naiad we shalt not fall for it. He thought about all the bad things that he did and realized he was getting his just punishment. He really looks good in prison uniform and i bet the diet is better. The two women he lived with ended up living with each other because the Ma house is empty and no one is there to take care of the old woman. She asked Do Jin's mom to stay with her and she agreed.
So Takisa and Pung Geum had twins and they are oh so very cute. She decided since Tak isn't a driver anymore that he should learn how to bake from SI so both of them would open the second branch of magic bakery....not a bad idea except for the fact that he kept burning every damn thing. Takisha's inlaws came to see him and PG. They gave him some money it was because they realized he sacrificed everything he had to take care of his sisters while he lived a poor life. Awesome gesture....soo with the money PG came up with the new branch idea.
Towards the end of the last episode the women decided they would get Bok Nyeo and NWS father in law married. They had no idea what was going on, all they knew was that family was on vacation. OKAY CAN WE TAKE A MOMENT TO MOURN THE UGLINESS THAT PG HAS ON HER FEET. THE UGLIEST BLACK SHOES I'VE EVER SEEN. 
Before the family trip that happened 2 years later, dial back NWS was offered the position of CEO of Shinhwa but he turned it down because he really didn't want to be the CEO he just wanted to be a baker. He left for paris t go study. His daughter, mother and FIL saw him off except SI....ooooo she did a fantastic job of making me almost hurl my shoes at my computer. After he left SI got a video message. She was pretty sad after he left. He sent her a video message saying he didn't want to look pathetic in front of her and he wouldn't have been able to leave if he saw her. 
SI got really close to the little girl since they both missed the same man......smh. I'll miss this sharp mouthed lil girl.
Ok now we are at the wedding and by Gawd Yeong Ok looked good. Cover her face and neck and i'd argue that's a girl in her twenties. The four women were the bridesmaids at the wedding and they all looked good.
While they all walked down the isle there were flash backs of how they met and how they've lived and gotten along till now.
Takisa was going to walk Bok Nyeo down the isle then NWS showed up yeeeeeeessssssss in all his sexiness. Just o think a couple months ago i wanted to mark him in TWWMTT. Everyone was surprised to see him walking his mom...this was all set up by Yeong Ok that sly fox. 
This was a sweet scene....when he gave his mom away to His FIL...and ajussi thanked him for giving his mom to him.
After giving his mom away he sat behind SI and said something to her i think about her missing him....her simple  ass was blushing. Too happy to function ole foolish girl. She's lucky he loved her enough to stay single and comeback.
At the end of the ceremony Do Jin's son and NWS's daughter sang for the coupe and everyone lol. It was the cutest thing eveeeeeeer
Yeong Ok with her old and single ass caught the bouquet and she was too excited about that. Everyone's coupled up except her. Ever that almost dead got married a couple weeks earlier lmao. She even opposed to this wedding but you know she's all bark and no bite.
These 2 got back together. She gave him the rings and they both put it on for each other. Said a few things and then they kissed ahhhhhh so sweeettt.
Bok Nyeo got acquitted of her false charges that were brought on b Ma Tae San. Her son made all this happen and i was so happy for her. She was so happy she cried. Young Ok started a match making agency. This poor guy walked in for a match and she need up hitting on him saying she's the one he's been looking for all his life and he didn't need to look anymore...i damn near choked on my liquor at this point. SI took up the position of the baking instructor at the prison to helped the women the same way she was helped.
The drama ended on a good note and i gave it an 8.5 why??? Because we were trolled but in the end it ended how we pretty much wanted it to. I'm still mad they brought MDH just to whack him again but hey I'm not mad. All in all he was out of the picture and the drama gawds came through big time. This drama is worth watching because the ending is just fantastic. The justice arts were epic and everything happened the way it was supposed to. A very happy ending in deed.
