Legendary Witch ep 33-34 recap

So sorry i skipped 4+ eps but i'll make up for it in this one....a lot has happened and you are in for a treat in this recap....
Nam Woo Seok finally got his memory back and realized that the person who set the fire that killed his dad is none other than Ma Tae San. He the basically promised to get a retrial and take Ma down yessssssssss. Someone really needs to knock this old hag off his ass.
He told his mom he had recovered his memory and that he remembered everything. She was distraught. Later he saw SI but she really couldn't comfort him you know because she's going through some shit about the return of her damn husband who the writers just had to revive this cocky ass possessive Ma child. WS mother went to go confront the ma family about that they did and he was being a dick as usual. His wife got down on her knees and was crying and apologizing for what her husband did but eh family you know take their idiotic murderous father's side.
For some cosmic reason Joo Hee thinks she will get with WS if her brother is able to get back SI. For her information WS mother will to allow it because her father killed her husband, WS mother does not like her and loves SI, WS also loves SI and i cannot wait for the new that she caused the death of his wife to be made known to him. Joo Hee will shit bricks and firestone just for starters.
Do Jin's mother went to visit Bok Nyeo and she apologized for what she did. BK thanked her for saving her son and taking care of him all this time. And also for raising him into a fine young man....he is indeed. Do Jin knows Ma isn't is father and that he also took part in the murder of his dad but he is still angry at his mother for plotting a revenge all this time and because of that he will not accept any help from her money wise. On the plus side she is kind of softening up to his child and wife.
the caption speaks for itself. 
Ma Joo Ran keeps trying to force SI to stay with her brother but SI isn't having it. She loves WS and has moved on but in order for the idiot husband to stay alive she has to be by his side which makes absolutely no sense.
After hearing WS went to the hospital to get SI these ladies sit thinking it's romantic lol especially Yeong Ok.
MTS went to see Do Jin's mom thinking he could play dumb and act like he didn't know DJ is actually someone else son so she would stop plotting to take him down. She starts feeling bad then she goes to see his son at the hospital. He tells her that before he was able to snitch on her to his father, his father already knew. This made her DJ's mom extra mad and added more firewood to the flame in her heart and she's pushing harder to take over Shinhwa group and bring MA down.
BK is saddened because what's going on and her lovely man makes her breakfast but she cannot eat. Young Ok comes in after BK leaves and tries to eat the food when the man goes off on her lmao.
Tak kisa tried to propose to Pung Geum with the ring on a drum stick, the owner of the shop already tipper her off on getting proposed to and she's not having it. The spent the night together at his sister's wedding and Tak Ki sa practically raped her lol ok not really rape but he got her do her .
MJR came to the house to take SI and pack all her shit for her to go back and live with her brother. See no one is having that shit but somehow SI's kind heart leads her to go to him..this pisses me off beyond words.
Tug of war of life. They both want SI but she leaves with WS after explaining to Ma Do Hyun that she has moved on and can no longer play his wife.
So the big thing Yeong Ok was working on was that they got MJR t invest $4 million dollars in the bogus "Top Safety" business but instead they took the money and invested it in the women's correctional rehabilitation program for ex convicts and it was all over the news. She was in great shock. She could not handle it and her family was mad but not really because they have more important shit going on.
The bakery is getting better recognition and everyone is happy about that bitty news
In order to keep SI by his side this idiot tries to kill himself after she rejects his ring. She stope his dumb ass and lets comes to a compromise with him. He doesn't want her living in the same house as WS.....Fucking bastard.
WS decides to move out to a small apartment just for him because he's working on something and he doesn't want SI to move out. He tells her not to worry that everything will be alright.
Everyone has to sit in this room because Tak ki saga sister is in town and wants to spend the night at his house. She does not know he's broke so he begs the family to let him play house with peung geum and they agree since it's just for one night.  They get tired of waiting and Yeong ok goes to find them. She sees them sleeping and goes off lmao
In the end it will be a tug of war between Ma Do Hyun and Nam Woo Seok. We all know where my loyalties lie. Since we have 4 more episodes left i will try my best to recap the eps in 2 parts if i can. If not there will just be a final review.......Annyeong.
