Legendary Witch ep 23-24 recap

There is fire on the mountain and it's starting to spread. Shinhwa house is finally falling apart.... and there's more.............

 So this is where we left off last wee. What we didn't see until tis week was where haraboji tried t convince WS daughter that he was sleeping and told her they would stop by the store to get her some things she liked. It was so cute when haraboji saw WS and SI together and he quickly covered the child's eyes so she would not catch on.
This woman is forever in someone's kitchen cooking up ways to try and steal ajussi from Bok Nyeo. She intercepted a letter to BN from ajussi. In the letter he wanted her to meet him at the local neighborhood bar and KYW showed up. She had this story about how BN saw the letter and did not want to go meet him. Ajussi gets angry and leaves KYW at the bar alone lmao. He at this point is mad at BN because he thinks she disrespected him by not acknowledging his efforts.
While at the bar alone shinhwa groups' driver runs in for a drink were KYW asks him to join her. She then offers him some money to call her "noona" he accepts it. She then says she'll give him more to date her, he then throws the money back at her and bails. The way she says "come on baby" to him slayed me.
The next day he all three of them come out for breakfast and both BN and ajussi are trying to ignore each other. When the little girl comes out with a $50 bill in hand saying she is going to deposit it. BN goes "awww your daddy gave you a lot of money". Little girl says no KYW gave it to me for helping her read a letter. KYW sees she's about to be busted and runs to the bathroom. The lttle girl then shows BN and ajussi the letter and BN is surprised because she did not see the letter and she then yells at KYW who's hiding.
BN and ajussi try to set KYW on a blind date with a man that is basically falling apart and she's not having it. They are doing it to try and get her out of their relationship. KYW damn near flips the table because the guy is too old... pure comedy.
Joo Hee saw SI and WS at the hospital together which definitely raised her blood pressure. The two's relationship is getting better and better. I mean they look like the perfect coupe and with the kid they look like an awesome family. The kid loves her and SI loves her back along with her dad. Since the accident WS has been playing baby and has had SI doing damn near everything for him from feeding him to washing his face.
Joo Hee finally saw WS for the first time since he got back from his trip. He then proceeds to tell her that SI confessed her feelings to him and they are now a couple. Stupid stupid idea. Never give the enemy stats. She goes i her office and spazzes the fuck out. Throwing things off her table and shit. She then takes her scrawny ass over to the bakery where she tries to talk down to SI and SI isn't backing down. Joo Hee then slaps SI ..... i wound have mopped the floor with hr ass but that's just me. SI did nt slap back and her eonni Poong Geum was about to beat the shit out of her but SI stopped her and they simply kicked her ass out. 
Her father finally tells her to give up on WS and to get ready for a blind date with another person. She gets mad and says if it's not hin she wants no one else. Her older sister with the fucked up hair cut is in support of the father's decision. On the other side the witch Do Jin's mother is trying to convince him to marry the single mother (crazy) and he finally stands up for himself. She is left speechless. At his office the crazy lady comes to see him and he starts talking shit to her. She then spills that he also has a child and they are both trash he cannot believe this and runs to Mi Oh and confronts her about it. Then proceeds to apologize to her for not recognizing his own child.
Do Jin tries to introduce his son to his dad, that old fart wasn't having it and told him he'd be disowned if he leaves with the kid and his mother. Do Jin drops all credit cards and car keys and leaves with his baby mama. I was so proud of him for finally standing up to them. We'll see how long it lasts.
Lets take a moment to pray for the blob father and the gawd awful red socks.....AMEN lmao.
Crazy and Ma Joo Ran get into a fight because she's mad JR exposed her the fact that she has a baby and they called off the wedding.  Can we just acknowledge the fact that JR's shoes are on fucking point... i would greatly appreciate a pair.
Jeaousy is brewing lmao... Driver dude is getting jealous of the fact that someone has taken interest in PG. He goes to the bakery one evening where the ugly bats of the neighborhood are yelling at SI and PG for them to close down the bakery. Driver dude come in and hears what they are saying and starts defending SI because he was close to her when she was married to the now dead son of shinhwa. What really throws him off is when the bats call PG a swindler and he goes off on their crusty behinds lmao. One of the very funny bits. The way the three women turn their head when he yells is just fantastically funny.
On the other hand WS is getting closer to finding out about his parents. Until next time Annyeong Annyeong.
