Legendary Witch ep 21-22 recap

The girls have finally opened their bakery for business. The name is cute "Magic Bakery" lol and the loud mouth snook of an "investor" Kim Young Ok sajan lmao is ever so present in a hanbok like she's the boss.

Right before the grand opening of the bakery, WS was on his way home and he walked by the bakery and stopped in front of it. He wasn't going to go in but he saw SI hitting a nail and she hits her finger... he rushes in all concerned like cant this woman just give him a chance??? He's head over heels in love with her and she's fighting her feelings for him.
Young ok made skate (a type of fermented fish) and was force feeding ajussi.... Bok Nyeo came in and saw her pushing up on her man and stormed out. KYO heels trying to hit on ajussi knowing he only likes BN. It's funny how the whole thing works out. Their banter keeps the drama flowing.
Ma Joo Ran succeeded in causing problems for these women by spreading the fact that they were all in prison and now the ugly women of the town are boycotting their business. She also exposed the fact that Do Jin's intended wife is not a virgin and has a baby for a guy she lived with while she was in college. Do Jin's wedding is a bust but the mother of the bride has bribed his mom with the shares that can help him take over Shinhwa and the bitch is all for it. What type f mother is she??? Do Jin for one is not biting and does not want to marry this girl. He is still in love with his baby mama and does't know about his son yet.
Ma Joo Ran's trouble causing ways is affecting everyone around her. The bakery business is in trouble now because she spread rumors about the women who own the bakery vein ex-cons and the whole town is in an uproar about it. The women of the town are on a mission to run the women out of the bakery.
On the other side of bitter villa, this crazy chick is still hoping, fasting and praying that WS will leave SI and some how get her out of his heart so she can move in and play wife and mother. I have to giv props to this dreaming heaux. She has some serious ambitions but not to worry her father just found out WS is the son of the man he stole shinhwa group from aka Bok Nyeo's husband.
Evil ajussi here thought Woo Seok was dead along with his father. Finding out he is alive has thrown a wrench in his plans. He was trying to get his dreaming daughter and WS together.... guess that's over. WS on the other hand is trying to get his memory back and trace his parents since he lost his memory as a kid and is trying to trace his parents and find out what happened to them whether they are alive or dead.
Cute moments worth mentioning. The little girl had bread for her daddy. She gave it to him and said it was from SI. Daddy in love was thinking SI gave it to her because she missed him or something (cute and funny bit).WS was on a trip and his daughter was missing him. SI came in and carried her on her back till she fell asleep. Their relationship is so sweet. Joo Hee went to the bakery to beg SI to stay away from WS that she would do anything for her if she does. She also half assed apologized as instructed by WS. Joo Hee also wanted SI to make sure she told WS she apologized so she can look good in his eyes.
After apologizing she ran her teeny ass all the way to his office and made sure to ell him she apologized. We care not about your sack irrelevant apology.
When Joo Hee was leaving the bakery, Pung Geum made sure to break down the reality of things to her. She said if he hasn't looked at you all these years what makes you thing he will now??? You need to do yourself a favor and find another man. I damn near died at that line. I was screaming the whole time because PG was in my head saying everything i was thinking.
Do Jin obviously loves this girl and i cannot wait for him to find out about the baby which will happen in the next episode. So WS was on his way back from his trip. There was a phone call to the house that his flight was in an accident and a couple of people were hurt including him. SI received the call and hauled ass to the hospital. At the hospital she saw a patient completely wrapped up in bandages and thought it was WS.... se started crying and confessed to him her feelings and all....she then hears his voice and he's behind her she runs and hugs him confessing that she loves him too.......mind you at this moment I'm all giddy and blushing and all that good shit lol.

Till next week people...... Annyeong Annyeong
