Legendary Witch 11&20 Recap

Talk about getting good... this drama is on the list. Plus we already have a kiss scene .....whhhaaaaaatt?? Sorry this is so late...I had finals and other projects going on. Okay so this drama is giving me so much promise that i do not know whether to hang on to hope or not.
This is going to be a kinda sorta big mash up....hope you are prepared.
So we started off good this past weekend. And a lot of things went down....from the awkwardness after the kiss and to Sexy oppa developing feelings for Soo In.
We'll start with Soo In and Woo Seok and the biddies around them. So as of the 18th episode he has finally confessed to her that he loves her. Now i have a problem with this confession because it seems like the same thing the creep baker dude did but WS is sexy with his. He kinda said it forcefully, i mean everyone around them already thinks they are dating and they might as well go for it. Soo In is kind of slow and blind to the fact that he really likes her and thinks he just pities her. He goes to her food truck everyday after work without fail to get dinner, he always helped her with her cooking stuff when she came back home, he was always waiting in the cold for her to get home and she really couldn't catch on ???? Come on now.
So the older ex sister in law with the messed up hair cut arranged for the food truck to be stolen in episode 18. It got taken and now Soo In is all over the place. She has nothing now and is mopping around but the food truck is not the only thing bothering her. Woo Seok proposed, confess and all that jazz and dumbs rejected him. Her conscience is weighing on her because her former sister in law (can't get a man chick) likes Woo Seok and i guess she doesn't want to step on her toes and also complicate things with Seok.
Kim Soo Mi plays one of the eonni's that was in prison with them. Right before she was released she won the lottery and collected her winnings when she got out. She went straight to Bok Nyeo's house when she left the bank and after shopping lol. She ended up staying with he for a couple of days then Bok Nyeo kicked her out because she was being annoying. She ends up staying at the dormitory with Pung Geum who does all the ass kissing and sucking up known to man. Well by the end of episode twenty she gets Bok Nyeo to apologize to her in turn she agrees to float the girls some money to start their own bakery and pay back for the lost food truck. There is still some ruckus going on because the got kicked out of the hostel and is begging Bok Nyeo to move back in with her. She concedes and everything is gong fine on this side of the fence. PS i forgot to mention she has a thing for the driver of shinhwa.
Woo Seok is asked to volunteer at the orphanage which he does but it's all in a scheme plotted by Do Jin's mother to help him find his parents which will open up pandora's box in the long run. By no i know most of you have guessed who the witch is and it is none other than Do Jin's mother aka Cha Aeng Ran.  Woo Seok ends up see in a picture of himsel hanging in the orphanage and is searching for the person in the picture with him. Im guess his mother is Bok Nyeo and i'm hoping i'm right.
Do Jin is officially engaged to the daughter of some rich guy.... can't remember the name. The girl find's out about Do Jin's child and is trying to get him to move in with her. Mean while Do Jin does not know he has a child and his finance has a child but we are not certain yet. I can bet the baby she claims is her nephew is her baby because she acts very dodgy when it comes to the baby.
Joo Hee was caught by Woo Seok being mean and nasty to Soo In. She was telling her to take the offer from her dad of a shinhwa branch bakery and an apartment. To move out of Woo Seok's house and get away from him. While she was doing that WS walked in and he told her to apologize... this heifer walks away all mad and salty.... YES SALTY. She os going crazy in her room still thinking of ways to make SI pay for "taking her man". Bitch you never had him and never will.
See you next tme. Sorry tis post took me zoo long to get to, the holidays and life got to me. The drama is still giving like as expected.


  1. I'm so glad someone's recapping this one! I haven't had a chance to see it and wondered if it was good. Thanks for writing about it!


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