Legendary Witch 9&10 Recap

FML Why did i start this drama lol...I should have waited for some more episodes to air. I cannot wait for next weekend. It's getting so good. Fair warning major spoiler ahead
So i've got screenshot and isn for y'all. I think I'm back in the grove of things with my reviews....lets see if i stick to it lol. Okay by episode 10 we have a pyungtae baker dude that's in love with Miss Moon out of no where, cute harabojis and halmoni love triangle and a very wicked woman that will not claim her grandchild.
We shall start with this chick that will not realize early that this guy does not want any part of her and her family. She is a stage 9 clinger and is really irritating and when she finds out uri oppa likes Miss Moon she will loose her shit and just like in The Best Lee Soon Shin we shall see her weak claws come out and try to ruin the beautiful love that would have been formed.....Ahhhhh I'm already thinking episodes in the 20s lol. She is one of the daughters of Shinhwa group and the in law of Miss Moon. Her brother is the one that died in the beginning of this drama. She is using every opportunity she can find to hang around Oppa and this is all after he has told her he does not want to pursue any romantic relationship with her.

Her father the Head of Shinhwa group low key wants him to be part of their family by marrying his daughter so he can run some things.....EMIL has peeped all of this and is working on her evil plan to ruin this. She's fretting over nothing because he's not interested either way.
Mean while on the other side of stupid and dating, we have ajumma and ajussi who are dating but don't know jack about each other.She is one of the cell mates of Miss Moon and he is the chauffeur to the shinhwa group family. The best part is that they both live in the same hostel, rooming beside each other and don't know it yet. She thinks he is the son of Shinhwa group and he thinks she is a rich business woman. Disaster waiting to happen.
Bok Nyo shi is the oldest of the cell mates of Miss Moon. Now she lives with haraboji who is also oppa's in law. They all live in the same house. The love triangle here is between Bok Nyo, haraboji and the neighborhood chicken jib lady. Chicken lady with the ugly red lipstick likes haraboji but he likes Bok Nyo hilarious and cute at the same time. Acting like a couple lmao
 I am still amazed by how bright this kid is. Her words are so sharp. Over on the other side you have the third cell mate who has a child for the youngest son of Shinhwa group. She is supposed to be out of the country "studying" as per his evil mother's demands. The evil mother in law sees her at the orphanage with her grandson when she goes to volunteer along with some other rich women you know for the usual rich people publicity.
They both end up in a restaurant. EMIL threatens to take away le grand son if the chick dares to contact her baby daddy. This girl agrees but before she walks out she rips EMIL a new one. Her words really hit EMIL so much that she was stuck in bed depressed the rest of the night. Got her in her feelings for a good while. The baby daddy is dealing with a crazy chick he met on a blind date. After one meeting she's all over him now and he's not interested. We'll see how that turns out. I know she'll raise some hell in the family.
So Miss Moon is out of prison and gets a job at a bakery. The guy that hires her is ole round face in the pic above but he looked hella suspect and we knew it. He has this sudden obsession with her and in ep 10 he sneaks into her room (she's staying in the back room of the bakery cos she has no where else to go thinking he's a nice guy she accepts the job from him and the place to stay) drunk and claiming he loves her and that they should go out .....bish what???
She ends up running a way and he goes after her and tries to hold her...she gets free and whacks him in the head he's unconscious and she calls the cops. Old round face wakes up in the hospital and claims she tried to steal from him, he went after her and she attacked him. Now she has a criminal record because of her jail time and this situation doesn't make her look good.
While Miss Moon is at the police station, oppa is at his job reminiscing on how he met her and all the encounters they've had. So cute and I'm so shipping them it's not sen funny lol.
Their first meeting
2nd meeting when they were at the beach and he thought she was gonna drown herself and tried to save her and she slapped him
At the bakery in prison where she accidentally poured flour on him
This is the best one where he brought her bread while she was in confinement 
He gave her, her baker's certificate (also helped her get it)
After going through his memories lol he heads home. He's at his father in law's dry cleaner shop trying to close up for the day when the phone rings and it's the police station. They were calling doe Bok Nyo as a guardian for Miss Moon. Oppa hauls ass to the station, they look ay each other and that's it. Previews for the next ep......Oppa has round face in damn near a choke he will help her from what we were shown.
I can't wait for this weekend... and see old round face get his ass kicked.
