Angel Eyes Final Review / Rant

Annyeong Annyeong Uri chingu deul.

So finally this drama is over and done with. I really want to applaud myself along with the other people that stuck with this drama even though it dragged and sucked for like 8 episodes. Let's get into the review shall we...
I mean i loved the actors and all but the story got really boring from episode 12. I will give you the break down from episode 9 till 12. If you followed my updates you'd notice it stopped at episode 8.

Ji woon exposed his bitchery in episode 9 as we expected him to. No sooner that when that episode started did he his bitchassness start to manifest. That was where he told Dylan to leave Soo Wan and go back to the states. Ji woon then proceeded to punch Dylan claiming he's protect his love for Soo Wan till the end. That my friends is where his so called love turned into an obsession. At this point i did not get why his character was fighting for her because she clearly did not love him at any point in time and made it clear to him.  There was one scene that had me in stitches when Dylan had on an apron to fry up 3 eggs and make toast....really dude?? I digress lol.... Dylan's sister was then looking for a job which just happened to fall in the same time that the fire chief was looking for a babysitter for his son. Recipe for bad writing i tell ya. She gets the job which makes us the viewers think she'll end up falling for seungri since she will be working in the same house he's living in. Dylan noticed that everyone around Soo Wan was violent which was a good observation because he was practically hit by damn near everyone of them. This episode is also where the first kiss finally occurred and it was sadly disappointing.

At around episode 10, Ji Woon was still being a bitch and we found out that the person that actually injected Dylan's mother with the poison that killed her. Dylan and soo wan also got permission from her dad to get married. There was another kiss in this episode and is was a fantastic one....praise Jebus it wasn't a dead fish one. Yes i said Jebus lol.
In episodes 11 and 12 everything about Dylan's mother's death was revealed to him and the involvement of Soo wan's father was listed too by soMe shady doctor.... Dylan chose not to believe all the fuckery and continue his relationship with soo wan. Now this is where the bullshit begins. From EPISODES 13-20 the drama started to fall apart. Soo Wan found out that she had Dylan's mother's eyes and she broke off her engagement to him.

We were taken on this stupid line of the main characters breaking up, her dad dying thinking he was the murderer, then the news that it was actually Ji Woon who hit Dylan's mom in the first place and his mother was trying to cover it up. The investigator that was in charge of the whole case got beaten up and almost died but survived and came back to solve the case with the help of Soo Wan's friend. Now all of this could have been done in 16 episodes and that's be it.

The most fucked up part of this drama is was when Ellie's character Dylan's sister was in love with Ji Moo's dad the fire chief. Now if the writer had written it that she wanted him to be her father that would have been okay but flat out wanting to be the cild's mom was just sick. Then last minute all of a sudden she starts liking Seungri after the older rejects her....i call bullshit. Mega fail on the part of the writers.

Ji Woon was sent to jail along with his mother but he got out early and as of the final episode his mother was still in jail. Some other useless parts in the drama were when Soo Wan lost her sight after she found out the truth of Dylan's mother's death. She then proceeded to leave him and go to some island. A year later he finds her through the help of Ji Woon and goes tries to convince her to come back. She still loved him and kept writing letters that she never sent to him. The most useless part was when Dylan was hit by a car while trying to save a stupid child that ran after a dog in traffic i would have kicked that lil girl's ass but that's for another rant. While Dylan was in the hospital unconscious that's when Soo Wan realized she wanted to be with him and kept pleading for him to wake up and she was sorry  blah blah blah.

Soo Wan's father dying was just fucked up because he never got to find out that he wasn't actually the murderer of Dylan's mother. To the writers of this drama i want to say a very big F*** you but that would be me being rude right yea well that's for wasting my time and for your shitty writing as of episode 12. The drag was pointless and i understand it was a weekend drama but i have also seen a couple of weekend dramas and this one was a fail. All the freaking useless parts out weigh the good parts.

There's one more problem i had with this drama every time Dylan's sister ended up in the hospital or was hurt he was never there and never seemed to address the issue. She had a cast at one point and nothing ever crossed his lips about it. She was in the ER a couple of times but he never seemed to show up or even hear about it.....hmmm writers....hmmmmmmm.

The saving grace for this drama were the three stooges in the hospital, the antics at the fire house and the OST.

After reading all that fuckertry i can conclude you would agree wit me that the writer very well deserves the giant F*** you i'm sending at them whoever the person is. I really regret watching this drama even though they did end up together it was still stupid and not worth all the hype it got.

If anyone wants to watch it i'd recommend you watch the first 11 episodes, youtube the kiss scenes and then try to sit through the final episode. Or better still don't do it.


  1. Hello. This is A.K.I.A. Talking…
    Thanks for the great review of Angel Eyes ! I enjoyed it a lot.
    I added it to my collection of reviews for the show. The show has now an average score of 77.5%.
    Here is a link to the page if you would like to give it a look:
    Thanks again for the review.


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