Angel Eyes ep7-8

Annyeong my lovely readers, another weekend has come and gone and it left us with a lovely treat to make up for the nasty rain that started without warning and ruined my saturday night plans but i digress. Any whooooooo let's get into it.
Before i get into it, if you didn't already know the writer of this drama is the same person who wrote "Operation Proposal" and " Boys Over Flowers" and i enjoyed both of them. After finding this out i'm very hopeful and am looking forward to a nice i wasn't already lol.
It's just episode 7 Dylan left the country well what was shown is that he walked into the point of no return at the airport after telling Soo Wan thank you for showing yourself to me. She was sad and yelled "kajima" he almost faltered for a bit but didn't look back and that scene left a crack in my fragile little heart. The chemistry and magnetic pull between these two is just fantastic. Props to the casting director and the other people involved i the casting.
Yoon Soo Wan started looking like hell all depressed and worn out then cue boyfriend and his stupid mother waiting for her at her home with her demon of a father and what are they talking about??? Setting a freaking wedding date. This scene had me fuming with anger. How the hell do you set up wedding plans without getting the permission of the other party except the word of her father who i could give a shit about?? I mean it is 2014 and i'm going off point again.
She broke up with the boyfriend but apparently this dude can't take no for an answer. He told her he is going to wait for her to come back to weave was not safe from my frustration at this scene. I think i pulled out some strands that i'll regret later. We can clearly see his nice exterior slowly peeling away.......i mean there's no competition between him and sexy dimple suit slaying Dylan. He wore the hell out of the suit when he walked in at the end of episode 7. What i really can't stand is how he went crying to Soo Wan's dad like a bitch thinking he was being subtle. If someone tells you it's over on 3 different occasions you think showing her a house you bought and telling her about the children you want would change her mind???? Childish.
The dream house that's supposed to make her change her mind
Anyone that looks this good in a suit can say anything and make it look good. You can never go wrong with a man that looks this good in a damn suit....Thankyou
The sexiest back hug scene ever at the end of episode 7 feels galore. Episode 8 is just filled with some revelations and boy are they good. Ji woon see's something, Dylan get's slapped by Soo's dad for refusing to step away from his daughter and Dylan's sister is back and guess who has eyes for her???
Soo Wan's dad introduced Dylan to Soo Wan and Ji-Woon as his son i'm guessing to drive a wedge between Soo and Dylan but yea he's not getting anywhere with that. Dylan asked him why it can't be him and i'm asking the same damn question because if he had just shut up and let them live happily ever after i the beginning he himself could die of the guilt and no one would be the wiser. The fact that Soo has his mom's eyes would be seen as a blessing and no fowl play would be suspected but dumb ass dad just has to make a big deal about their relationship. I can't wait for Soo to find out what her dear old papa did.......all hell will definitely break loose.
Ji-Woon's mom is just a metal thorn in my side. I have a serious gut feeling she was involved in the accident 12 years ago and she did something to cover it up. Maybe just maybe her son did it because she keeps going on about how a parent would do anything for their child. Soo Wan's father confessed to Ji-Woon's mom about the murder he committed and she kept going on about how she understood and that the woman was already under arrest (medical term).
her face looks like she has something to do with the accident
In another part of this drama's world, detective ajussi who was in charge of Dylan's mom's hit and run case has resumed his search and his relationship with Dylan is just fantastic. Like father and son almost.
I want Dylan's sister to end up with he could end up with Seungri's character. I can't help but ship those two. Ex-boyfriend should either end up with Soo Wan's bestie or get the fuck out of the picture  but i guess his dub ass has to be in the drama for us to actually get 20 episodes.
This kid and Seungri's relationship is filled with so much cuteness you'd need to punch something to snap out of it
Seungri now has eyes for Dylan's sister who he refers to as an angel and even day dreams about her lmao this is kinda and will eventually mess with his relationship with the fire chief because they are kinda like manura and nampyeon (husband and wife) if you get what i mean. They are so cute lmao
And he's officially in love at first sight
Soo Wan was jealous of Ellie, D's sister because she thought she was his girlfriend from the states lol but when she found out who she was they had a tearful reunion.
Dylan attempted to tell Ji about himself and Soo's history and what's going on but the typical drama interference took place in the form of an emergency phone call. In the final scene for episode 8, Ji-Woon sees Dylan hugging Soo in the rain and he has this dumb look on his face. Gut feeling says he will play dumb and act like Dylan was just playing the part of a big brother. He will put two and two together and still try to force himself on Soo by using his mom and her dad....Let's just watch and see how his ass will play out.
This weekend cannot get here fast enough ......Annyeong.

