AMF concert in NY

I'm so sorry i have been gone for the longest time. Well not that long. Right now i'm sick but i just had to put this up.
So a couple weeks ago i found out about the AMF concert in NY through a post on facebook. My friend said she was going and since i'm like a state away i decided to buy tickets. I was shooting for General Admission tickets but my sister said since we have decided to go we should spring for VIP tickets and i was down for it. Little did i know this concert would turn me into a complete fan girl. I have been a fan of Verbal Jint for the longest but i did not know how serious it was lmao.
The concert was supposed to start at 7:00pm on thursday night so we got there like 6ish...mind you on our VIP tickets it said we did not have to get in line if we were VIP ticket holders....pppffft. We were in the VIP line till about 8pm then when we finally got inside there was a whole nother wait for the artists we were there to see. This wait was bearable with the availability of alcohol.  The DJ was banging though and by the time the performances started i was right and drunk.

Bumkey was awesome, Kanto was fantastic and Decipher aka Danny Chung was great. Then there was Verbal Jint......Lawd i'm still sick and have no voice because of all the screaming i did at the concert. Since we were VIP members we got to take pictures with the artists......i want to take this opportunity to propose to VJ lol he is just too sexy. My fangirling self was shaking when it was my turn to take a picture with them but i can honestly say all the wait was worth it because i got to see my love Verbal Jint. My friends and i had the time of our lives and of course we had Five Guys burgers right after the concert.

Till i figure out how to upload my videos this should do lol.
Here's to more concerts to come.
