TMI Tag - 50 questions

So i was on youtube and saw a bunch of these videos about the TMI tag and i thought i'd give it a go. I ave been in a rut for a little while now but i'm getting out of it. Getting back to me an soo you'l be flooded with blog posts out the SOOOOOO  here we go and this it what it is till i get the courage to do videos that are interesting lol.

TMI (Too Much Information) Tag: 50 questions

1. What are you wearing? A big t-shirt i got from k-mart literarily today and some jewlery ear rings and some finger rings from h&m, an infinity ring from torrid and three bracelets from ac moore.
2. Ever been in love? Nope i believe i haven't yet. Still young and really don't know what love is 
3. Ever had a terrible breakup? Yes. Really don't want to revisit them lol.
4. How tall are you? 5'9 quite tall and i wear heels.
5. How much do you weigh? This is between myself and my scale.
6. Any tattoos? Yes one on my back between my shoulders. 
7. Any piercings?  Three in both ears. Had a belly button piercing but it was rejected.
8. OTP (One True Pairing: what's your favorite fictional couple)? Cheon Song Yi and Do Min Joon. The chemistry between these two is just fantastic.
9. Favorite show? I watch K-Dramas so my favorites change quite frequently. But right now i'm still not over it.
10. Favorite bands? Shinhwa 
11. Something you miss? My parents haven't seen them in 4 years but talk to them everyday.
12. Favorite song? Right now it'll be K. Will 's Slip of tongue love that song.
13. How old are you? 25 years old!
14. Zodiac sign? Libra yea we have more fun
15. Quality you look for in a partner? Cute oppas that are nice and gentle with a lot of patience
16: Favourite Quote? Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within- James Baldwin
17: Favourite actor? Lee Seo Jin and Jo In Sung look them up if you are into Korean Actors.
18: Favourite color? Blue any shade of blue makes me happy.
19: Loud music or soft? Both especially while driving.  
20: Where do you go when you're sad? I tend to hold my sadness in and cry when i'm alone.
21: How long does it take you to shower? 10 -15Minutes. 
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? I like to give myself at least an hour to get ready because picking out an outfit takes forever. I shower, lotion and do my make up in 30 mins but my dressing i just cant make up my mind. Picking something out the night before does not help.
23: Ever been in a physical fight? Yes and i won case closed. It was years ago. Not so proud of the situation bit the fact that i won lol.
24: Turn on? A clean person that smells good and looks sharp.
25: Turn off? Bad smells. 
26: The reason I joined Youtube? To comment on videos. 
27: Fears? Heights, insects, animals *slowly trying to over come this)
28: Last thing that made you cry? A family situation that made me have a panic attack and i balled my eyes out. Turned out to b nothing. I tend to panic over the smallest things.
29: Last time you said you loved someone? Yesterday to my mommy. 
30: Meaning behind your Youtube/Blogging Name? I obsess over a lot of things so the name is kinda obvious.
31: Last book you read? Choosing me before we by Christine Arylo
32: The book you're currently reading? Safe Harbor by Luanne Rice
33: Last show you watched? Let's Eat Korean Drama
34: Last person you talked to? My Mom
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? My Baby brother
36: Favorite food? Nigerian and Korean
37: Place you want to visit? Bora Bora and Jeju
38: Last place you were? Center City St. Paddy's day.
39: Do you have a crush? Do i??? Lol just about every oppa in my dramas
40: Last time you kissed someone? Been a while. Not in the habit of kissing any ole person.
41: Last time you were insulted? Wow haven't been in a while
42: Favorite flavor of sweet? Lemon.
43: What instruments do you play? Used to play the freaking flute lol not anymore though.
44: Favorite piece of jewelry? The Gold Michael Kors Watch my sister got me for christmas.
45: Last sport you played? Tennis
46: Last song you sang? SNSD's Mr Mr

47: Favorite chat up line? lol don't have one
48: Have you ever used it? Don't have one
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Yesterday with my sister. Went out for lunch
50: Who should answer these questions next? Anyone and everyone. Just go for it.

This was fun to do. You should too.
