TWWMTT Ep 24-25

So it seems like they miss Seul Gi's mom now. Since new wife isn't getting any inheritance. Friendships have been severed and It looks like someone's not getting married. Grandmama willow over at new wife manor is finding it hard to hide her emotions....OMO!!!!

So apparently Eun Soo's parents are not comfortable with their in laws seeing the way her mom turned down the invitation to have dinner with them. Eun Soo's mother slipped and hurt her chin and she now has 20 stitches in her chin and Hyun Soo got there in time to get her to the hospital. Eun Soo rushes over the next day after hearing the bad news from her sister. Mama's pretty bruised up and this sadden's Eun Soo.

One scene that really irritated me was when Eun Soo was texting her daughter at night and the ass hole of a husband said why don't you turn it off. I would have kicked his ass off the bed he would have lost a tooth preferably 2 or 3. All the guy's handsomeness goes out the window because of his character and attitude. He might as well be ugly.

On her way home ugly actress chick Lee Da Mi calls Eun Soo over. What, Are they friends now??? Curious..... Well she heard about Eun Soo's pregnancy. That heifer. I wonder why she still entertains this whore. The reason she called Eun over was to threaten her with some pictures of her husband and herself and ask if she can share Joo Goo with her. Over her dead body.  would have fucked that bitch up asking to share my husband.. trick you have lost your damn mind.  This actress character has lived way too long for my liking. I pray i never meet someone like her because i dot think i can be held accountable for my actions.

Back to Seul Gi's house where all the comedy happens. They have an extra helper in the house sent over by new wife's mom since she is just totally useless. The new helper though isn't of much help because she says she had surgery done on her spine over a year ago. So two useless people in the house and grandma isn't liking this.

Joo Ah is an annoying , leeching girl but she is a very good friend. That i have to give her. She went over to Gwang Mo's apartment and gave him a warning not to toy with her friend and to treat her right. Now that was sweet of her. On her side she's making out well with her co-worker/ boyfriend even though he is a bit high maintenance and uhm mega weak.

All of the above mentioned happened in episode 24. Now in 25 new wife has the guts to confront grandma willow. Now that scene was the geek. Grandma was livid and going on about how she was accusing an innocent person. When she said that i swear i heard a thunder crack. New wife was basically calling out granny for changing her attitude towards her after the wedding because she found out about the "inheritance issue".

The ajumma in that house said it right when she said "grandma's suffering from greed and not indigestion and kimchi juice couldn't cure that" i fell off my bed laughing. Leave it to ajumma to call people out on their shit. Ajumma tried hitting granny's back to help but ended up beating her which made grann mad. I know ajumma enjoyed that more than we think.

Some how grandma was able to lie her way out of that situation and reassure that idiot of a new wife. When aunty came back home granny spilled the beans and she proceeded to go warn new wife.

As per Seul Gi's request, her mother is in the process of recording bed time stories for her because monotone unemotional new wife is damn near ruining bedtime stories for Seul Gi. And daddy has no idea. The faces Seul Gi makes are priceless like "trick i said i was going to sleep now leave".

Over at Eun Soo's house, her husband leaves for work saying he will stop in on that bitch of an actress because she keeps threatening him with her life. I would personally tie the noose for her but you know that's just in my head. He goes over to see her but it's a trap. Her reporter friend is there and sees everything. He goes home, wifey asks if he went to see "le bitch" and he says no. Why are you questioning me you are not my mother ........hmmm i'm sorry i would have slapped the taste out of his mouth for 2 days he wouldn't taste anything.

Eun Soo then goes off and says they both have to go see "le hoe" because she has something to say. They get there "le home wrecker" goes on about how she spent the night with Joon Goo after he got married and that is when the skies opened and the hand of the drama gods touched uri Eun So. Yes God honey she laid the ever loving slap on "le bitch". I swear to you i was on my feet clapping . Don't you just love it when characters that deserve the slap of life get it??? I know i do.  They then leave and Eun So cries all the way home. While "le hoe" goes into her room and cries. I'm sure that slap hurt like hell. I forsee a dental appointment....

Idiot husband then has the nerve to defend "le hoe" which just pisses me off to high heavens. The baby Eun So is carrying, he see's as his salvation so the father will not kick him out because of his fuck ups. He said she should have a son so they would be secure. Looks like Eun Soo will have a miscarriage due to all this rubbish stress. I support her loosing the baby.

My ship lies with her and her ex-husband. And i'm going to need this unfaithful, only thinks with his dick Joon Goo to get his in the end. Joon Goo has the guts to tell his aunt Eun Soo is stubborn and is not the person she seems. What horse shit??? Anyone with a husband like him wouldn't be the person they seem. Having to fight "le hoe" for him??? Please she is a better person than i am.... Watch how quickly i would have bailed on his ass.

Gwang Mo tells his mom about his plans to marry Hyun Soo. They were on a date when his mom called Hyun Soo. Mama then confronts Hyun Soo. Hyun Soo says she has no intention of marrying him.

Dick head then goes over to Hyun Soo's pareNts place and tells them he wants to marry their daughter to their surprise.  I think dad is all for it but weak mm doesn't like guy.

See Ya next week.
