TWWMTT ep26-28

Oh no she didn't. This mouse faced heifer really did not just try it ad i mean try it.......
This past two weekends we got just one episode because of the olympics and this past weekend we got the regular 2 episodes. At least we got something and not a total cancellation. So we on this side are very grateful. Now lets get into the foolishness that happened in this ep.

So yea this isn't going to be a narration, more like of a rant than anything. I mean the drama is doing a good job of pissing me off and making me curious about the next episode. I can say this much my curiosity level is at a 9/10 just waiting for shit to spill all over.

Seul Gi finally received the records of the books her mom made for her. And she is enjoying every moment of listening to her mom's voice. She does this in secret though ...Poor thing. I wish the dad would wise up and see how she is suffering. He still doesn't know why she ran away the last time but her maternal grand parents are suspecting the step mom does not treat her well. In episode 28 Tae won was supposed to go drop his daughter at her grand parents house but chae rin said she'll do it. On the way out he gave his daughter a kiss then bitch wife started whining because she wanted one too. Just so she'd have a one up on the kid. That alone made my blood boil. I just wished the car would start on it's own and run her over

Tae is a fool trying for to balance between his new stupid wife and his daughter. He clearly still has feelings for his ex wife and is going through all this because of his mom. He could simply stand up to his mom and get rid of this idiot he calls a wife. I have completely had it with his weak ass and the bullshit his wife does.

ES on the other hand needs to leave that idiot of a husband who cant seem to keep his thing in his pants when it comes to that ugly actress. I hope that reporter exposes them. I hate to say this but i wish ES looses that baby. Her MIL is one selfish old bat and she needs to get back with her ex-husband after he finally stands up to his mother that witch. Eun Soo's divorce can't come quick enough. I'll be so happy once she's out of that marriage and house.

Joon Goo, Eun Soo's husband can't seem to keep his thing in his pants. Like are you kidding me? He  have a lovely, devoted wife at home and he keeps going back to that ugly actress thing. What he deserves is definitely not in this world. The poor wife is basically living on egg shells because she's constantly doubting his fatefulness and she has every right to. Her suspicions are right o the money though because that fool keeps dipping in that dirty chick. Someone with sense after being caught would cut off all ties with that wench. Even if she threatens to kill herself. He owes her nothing and his wife everything. If a hoe chooses to off herself then oh freaking well. Life goes on.

Hyun Soo still does not want to marry Gwang Mo but they did take some wedding photos just for  a trial and they looked really good. I totally ship them. Her friend on the other hand is getting on fine with her co worker' boyfriend. I totally ship them.

My final thoughts on this drama is that this bitch chae rin needs to go asap. I cannot believe the idiot is competing with a child like are you serious with your dumb cant do anything self. She's a child for crying out loud. Not only does she say stupid shit to her she also beat her. And the kid shut up about it. Now she's jealous of the relationship she has with her own mother???? This trifling ass heifer needs her ass handed 5o her by EunSoo on a mega scale. Do some damage. In the preview for this weekend Tae Won finally i hope sees the bullshit the wench is up to. I have never seen such a manipulative character in my life.

The calm before the storm. It looks like there's fire on the mountain and shit is about to hit the fan in the next episode. Finally things are looking up. I personally cannot wait for the drama to unfold. I know i'll have my soju and dried squid in hand just keee keeing like nobody's business.
