TWWMTT Ep 29-30

OMG talk about shit hitting the fan. It hit it and is all over the place.....This past weekend it did well kinda. So just call it the calm before the storm and next week is going to be even better judging by the awesome preview we got.

We shall start over at seul gi's house...

So as you might have gotten by no i don't like Tae won's new wife that useless heifer. The simple wench had the guts to barge into Seul Gi's bedroom take her recorder that had her mom's recording of bedtime stories in it and legit broke it right in front of the child. She also hit the child. Le bitch then goes and tells the grand mother all this bullshit about how she can't stand the child having contact with her real mom.......Say what bitch??? Wanna get cut simple hoe?? No wright there she straight up tried it for real. Seul Gi's aunt comes home in the middle of this and saves the child and turns on the almost whoop ass on the heifer new wife.

Anyways grandma has a fit and yells at seul gi for having her mom make the recordings, then turns on her own daughter who's seul gi's aunt saying she's trying to start something in the family by being the messenger for Seul gi. Then she yells at the idiotic new wife for being a brat and not trying with the child.

After le bitch snitches to grandmama willow, She doesn't take her side to le bitch's surprise. She then turns to Seul Gi's aunt who tries to take the fall for requesting for the recording but the child speaks up and tells her grandma she asked her mom to make it for her. Mean while no one's really paying attention to how the child is being treated by the step mom except ajumma who has her antennas up. The bitch then goes behind everyone and calls Tae Won to whine about what happened making herself out to be the victim.

Tae Won comes home and gives everyone a piece of his mind. From this you can see he is slowly but surely starting to find his backbone that his mother stashed under her bed. He then goes to console his daughter and tells her she can contact her mom whenever and that she does not have to hide anything.  Everything seems calm but not really because Tea Won does not sleep with the bitch anymore but with his daughter. She wakes up in the middle of one night and goes to wake him while h was with his daughter and asks how long will you stay with her??? What ?? Excuse me wench the her you refer to so loosely is his daughter and blood. She comes before you hoe. My dude finally breaks it to le wench "our marriage was a mistake. You will never change and neither will my family. We need to break up". Can i just say how i screamed for joy at this conversation.

Next day what le bitch starts acting like an angel with a goat's horns. Trying to kiss up to everyone but they all suspect something's up especially grandma willow. Tae Won finally tells her at the end of episode 30 that they are getting divorce. Lala cookie brained, useless mc dumb chick just doesn't get it and is going to put up a fight. Now this i can't wait to see.

Now over at Eun Soo's house shit done hit the fan and is spread all over the damn place. Yes it did. Eun Soo called her sister Hyun Soo to come get her saying she feels like she's gonna die. Why did she leave you may ask....Well well well....Let me tell you a little story of a man called Mr Wandering dick and a faithful to a fault wife.......

One night her hubby Mr Wandering dick came home around 3am claiming he was at work. Wifey wasn't buying it. That was the night he found his way between the legs of that hoey actress Da Mi. A few days later he goes over to Da Mi's place and insults her telling her she makes him (Eun Soo) can't stand being by him anymore and shows him the pictures. The bastardized idiot tries to flip it and tells Eun Soo it's her fault he couldn't resist and that he did it because she wasn't giving him any at home. Now at this point some of us viewers mostly myself have maybe broken our devices, laptops or computers or have destroyed something around us in anger because we cannot stand the audacity of this idiot.

She kicks him out of the room. After crying, she calls sis to come get her. Next morning MIL and aunt hear she left in the night and they are not worried about the chick but what the father of the house will do. MIL goes to convince Eun Soo to come back home well more like threaten her but ole girl isn't gonna budge. Aunty goes to see hoey actress but gets nowhere with her because she kept crying and going on about how she loved Joon Goo. Now the only person i like in this family has got to be the aunt because she steadily calls it like it is. She straight up told MIL that her son is the problem. If she were Eun Soo she would have left the house to because she couldn't stand looking at that "son of a bitch's face" those were aunty's words lol. I'm with aunty on that one.

The final scene of this past weekend was a heart breaking one. Eun Soo's father came to see her at the hotel where she's lodging. He walked into the room they both said nothing, she hugged him from behind while crying and just said "appa" i swear my heart broke. Made me call my dad.

Over at Hyun Soo's crib, she finally spent the night with Gwang Mo but she was so embarrassed after. While Gwang Moo was brushing his teeth she changed the sheets. She went to the bathroom and he opened the old sheet and saw something. Now we all know what that was. She was a virgin and he took her virginity. Ugh she's such a good sister and she just lost her flower to the one she likes but is acting all brave like nothing happened.  Gwang Mo isn't supposed to know about it but he does and acts like he has no idea. They are currently playing house at Hyun Soo's place but she wont let him change the bed ot a bigger one. He wants then to live together but she's against it. My thinking is that she doesn't want to go through what her baby sis is going through.

The preview for next week is just life on life on life everlasting. Le Bitch was yelling at seul gi saying she told her dad to divorce her....(trick are you crazy?) Le bitch is caught beating Seul Gi by the maid. She tries to bribe the maid but the maid isn't about that life and yells "you had the child on the floor and i saw you with my own two eyes beating her". While the maid is yelling all that Seul Gi's aunt walks in the house and hears it and then she comes flying in the kitchen and whacks le bitch at the back of her head (i screamed so loud a dog down the street barked). That was some sci-fi jedi shit the way the bag was swung at the back of her head. And she yelled why did you hit her twice.. Another part of the preview Eun Soo goes back to Wandering Dick's house to get the rest of her stuff but MIL is there to say some shit.

You know my behind can't sit still and wait for next week because it is going down....yess lawd it is. I cannot wait for this weekend. Got my popcorn and soju ready. Comments and thought are welcomed.

