The Great Catsby K-Drama

OH Lord where to start with this one.

First of all i want my 24 hours back. Why on earth do writers keep doing this. Because two people invest time in a relationship doesn't mean it will not come to an end at some point.

I really can't understand why some most Korean writers feel the need to make their lead characters get back with the people they break up with in the beginning of the drama no matter what wrong they have done. For example "I Need Romance" the main chick ended up getting back with the cheating ex boyfriend.
In this nonsense drama the main chick played by Ye Jin (love her) for 6 years has a relationship with Catsby played by MC Mong while sleeping with his roommate/ friend at the same damn time. Now if that isn't a whore i don't know what is. And Catsby is so clueless it's insane how he do3s not pick up what's going on. She then dumps catsby 3days before her wedding to a rich old man. While married she still sleeps with the roommate on the side. And gets pregnant for him.

While she's carrying on with the roommate and the husband, Catsby meets a lovely girl but in the end leaves her and gets back with the main chick and is raising the baby with her. Nw why is it that he has to get back with her i really don't understand the situation. Mind you she stalks Catsby and the new girlfriend like she has no life. The new girl catches on and confronts her but she just doesn't get a clue and sticks around.
The drama should have been called "Sweating with MCMong". The guy was dripping sweat in almost every scene he was in. I couldn't get over it because at some point it started getting gross.  The storry was good until the last episode where they got back together.
Overall i wasn't impressed a all and feel like i wasted some good hours on this. It's is available on Hulu and Dramafever if you want to put yourself through the torture.
