Chicken Skin Relief (Keratosis Pilaris)

Out off the blue i started developing these mini bumps that looked like rashes but weren't rashes. It wasn't itchy either. And with my puzzled mind i turned to google.
While this is working for me it might not work for others and it might work for some. This is me adding to one of the options out there. This condition as uncomfortable as it feels isn't contagious at all. I am dark skinned and it is not so noticeable unless my skin if being felt.

Through google i found out the cause of this was an excess of keratin which is a natural protein in the skin. I started using vitamin e oil early last year because i had really dry cracked skin then i stopped after my arms started reacting. Through my research i found some people were able to calm their skin with toners. I started using toners to clean my arms after every shower but all that does is dry out the skin and leave it rough even though that works dry arms are a no no.

Two weeks ago i was at my local rite aid and saw this gold bond "eczema relief" cream and bought it since the symptoms are pretty much the same. Well it has been working. This is after a little over a year of dealing with the condition. I don't know what is in it except colloidal oatmeal and it practically reduces the bumps and my skin is slowly but surely going back to being normal. Thank heavens.

So any brand of toners you can find in your local drug store would work. I use either Neutrogena or L'oreal toners because they work and are affordable too. The cream is available at Walmart, target and local drugstores or online too.

So thanks to this accidental find i'm a tad bit happier and my skin is headed in the right direction.
